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From Monads to Machine Code (stephendiehl.com)
181 points by mrkgnao on April 23, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 33 comments

This is a gentle introduction to Haskell and also a brilliant tutorial on x86 assembly language – bonuses for anyone interested in compiler implementation. Exceptionally well written and clearly illustrated.

Man, I always love how cleanly EDSLs come together in Haskell. If you’re a fan of “language-oriented programming” (e.g., in Lisps and Forths) but you want static types, Haskell is for you.

My problem with Haskell, coming from the ease of Lisp, is that so much of the syntax is symbolic!

I know mathematicians might love it, but forgetting a symbol can mean I don't understand an entire block of code. Whereas it could have been made so much clearer with one word.

Well, there’s really only a handful of operators in typical code that don’t appear in other languages, and these are bound to the standard abstractions (functions, Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, Monoid) that are used all the time. Once you learn those it’s pretty much smooth sailing, but yeah, it was pretty daunting to me at first, and even now as an experienced Haskeller I don’t care for packages like Lens that can turn into operator soup.

However, I do think the built-in symbolic syntax (::, ->, =>, =, |) is all pretty clear. And thankfully there’s Hoogle to find the meaning of any operator you don’t understand, or even to find a function that you think should exist of a certain type. So I dunno, we get by well enough. And you could actually write your code largely without operators if you wanted to, either because there’s a standard name already, or because it’s easy to define an alias.

Could you give an example of this? I don't quite follow what you mean by "symbolic syntax". Do you mean infix functions like >>= and <$>?

Syntax where symbols are used in leiu of words.

For example, I have no clue what >>= and <$> mean from a glance.

I have to look it up to get Monad and Functor. Why not use the word?

Well, because it's pretty obvious after you've spent a week with Haskell. With that said, one thing the Haskell creators seem to regret is not requiring every operator to also have a name. (In the case of <$> it does: fmap)

As far as I can see, if you already know what fmap does and what infix notation is, you'll know what <$> is after looking it up just once. And if you know what a monad is, you'll also know what >>= does. And if you know neither of these things, then I'm fairly sure writing `fmap` and `bind` wouldn't help much anyway.

It's so cool how similar the contents of the arith function are to actual x86 code. The relative offsets were also handled really cleanly.

(With a short detour through writing a JIT in LLVM, of course, but I didn't want to edit the title. Sadly, I accidentally added the "from" at the beginning.)

I got lost at the monads bit. Where's the best place to learn about them? I did basic Abstract Algebra in university, and I understand how to use the Maybe/Option/Optional monad.

Do this course: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~cis194/spring13/lectures.html

I know it sounds ridiculous but a) it took me about seven evenings b) it's a lot of fun and c) I guarantee you'll get some proper programming insight, whatever language you use for a day job.

I second this, it's a great course.

A monad is an environment in which we can sequence actions, and where the "sequencing functions" (>> and >>=) decide whether to continue or stop.

The Maybe monad stops when it encounters a Nothing result, and continues when it encounters a Just. So:

    Just 1 >> Nothing >> Just 5
will return Nothing, whereas

    Just 1 >> Just 2 >> Just 5
will return Just 5.

>>= is used to take the value inside the monad (Just) for the left-hand argument, and stuff it into the right-hand argument, like so:

    Just "hello" >>= Just . (++ " world")
returns Just "hello world".

Those two operations make sense to me. Type signatures and all.

Is that all that is needed for something to be a monad?

The operations also need to obey the "Monad Laws" https://wiki.haskell.org/Monad_laws.

But the intuitive version is that anything with those two operations that doesn't smell funny is a Monad.

(Think of it like implementing an interface: anything that matches the type signature will work, but if you write something silly, it won't work right)

The two things you need are actually bind (>>=) and return. As mentioned, though, you should also be sure it obeys the relevant laws.

Those articles (and the videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8LbkfSSR58&list=PLbgaMIhjbm...) are great but one doesn't need to learn category theory to understand monads in Haskell.

The Haskell Wikibook is an underrated resource: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Understanding_monads

Hmm, this stuff looks familiar, I tried to learn it once upon a time. The operators make sense to me except for "return" which just seems like a hack, or excessive syntax sugar. If you already have type constructors, why the magic "return" function that needs to sniff the surrounding scope to see what kind of monads you are actually dealing with?

return isn't syntax, it's a normal function of type Monad m => a -> m a. The "sniffing" that you are talking about is that overloading is done on the return type.

Why does it exist at all? Speaking loosely, monads are about composing functions that look like a -> m b. Here's regular composition alongside the 'monadic' one:

    (.) ::              (b -> c)   -> (a -> b)   -> (a -> c)
    (<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)
As you can see, the same except for the m wrapping each function's results. Just like normal function composition, there is an identity element - that's what return is. Again, a comparison:

    id ::                a -> a
    return :: Monad m => a -> m a
Again, the same except for the m wrapping the result. Both composition operators are associative, and both have the same relationship with their identity operation:

    id . f  =  f     return <=< f  =  f
    f . id  =  f     f <=< return  =  f
(That's why there are monad laws, to ensure those properties hold.)

So return is very straightforward: it is the identity of functions that return monads. It's unfortunate that both the name and the presentation of monads in Haskell tend to obscure this.

I think what's confusing me here is haskells type classes, which I've never found intuitive (despite having "learned" them 3 or 4 times already..). The definition of return still baffles me, in the absence of some kind of module or object on its left hand side, I can't make sense of how it "knows" how to overload. I'm probably better of learning monads in the context of a language I'm more familiar with, like ocaml.

I appreciate the effort though.

Very understandable, type classes + inference + monads + do notation is quite a stack of unfamiliar machinery to understand all at once.

The return type is inferred, and the type is what the type class machinery is driven by. You can get some more visibility into that by playing in ghci:

    return 0 :: [Int] => [0]
    return 0 :: Maybe Int => Just 0
Having behaviour driven by return type takes a bit of getting used to.

Return value polymorphism is hugely powerful though: it means you can write stuff that works for any Monad (involving return). Without it you can't sensibly do that.

Sure you can. It just involves a little more manual plumbing. Certainly less convenient, but not actually as bad as all that in the typical case.

A typeclass is really nothing but a basic java/c# interface.

The 4 things you do with an interface are:

  1. Declare an interface

  2. Describe the contract of the interface

  3. Declare that a datatype (or class) adheres to that interface

  4. Provide an implementation of the the contract of the interface (fulfill the contract).

A haskell Typeclass does exactly that. The keyword "class" is where you do #s 1 & 2. The keyword "instance" is where you do #'s 3 & 4.

The only notable difference is: If an ISizable has int GetSize() method in haskell instead of the contract being int ISizable.GetSize(), it is static int GetSize(ISizable x).

Or in Haskell:

instance ISizable MyType where

GetSize :: ISizable -> Int -- Note you don't actually type this line

GetSize x = ...

In the absence of some kind of module or object on its left hand side, return has a polymorphic type.


return 'c' :: Monad m => m Char

You can actually sort of think of this as a function from typeclass dictionary to value, except the compiler will pass that dictionary itself once it's inferred what it should be (and will then inline/optimize it away, where it can).

The whole point of monads (and most other typeclasses) is that they're an abstraction. If you use a type constructor then you cannot generalize your function to work with any kind of monad, see for example the definition of `mapM` in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- which uses `return`

    pflags = protRead <> protWrite
    mflags = mapAnon .|. mapPrivate
What's the difference between these two operators?

There’s no difference in this case—looks like an oversight. “<>” is the Monoid “append” operator (e.g., concat lists, union sets, compose functions). If you look in JIT.hs[1], you’ll see that there’s an instance of Monoid that just calls “.|.” (bitwise OR):

    instance Monoid ProtOption where
      mempty = protNone
      mappend (ProtOption a) (ProtOption b) = ProtOption (a .|. b)
[1]: https://github.com/sdiehl/tinyjit/blob/master/src/JIT.hs

There is no canonical monoidal operation on booleans (just as the case is in any arbitrary ring), so I'd guess using the bitwise operators explicitly is good for disambiguation.

Yes and no—in practice in Haskell we tend to choose the most convenient instance and wrap things in newtypes to get at other instances. Writing code using generic operations (Monoid, Functor, Foldable) makes it easier to refactor datatypes later—coding to the interface and not the implementation, and all that. The bitwise OR operation makes sense for ProtOption because it’s basically a set.

That's true, for bitflag-like things OR does make sense.

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