This statue speaks volumes to me, but not in the way it's probably intended to.
This is corporate marketing both adeptly using culture war tactics and manipulating them to its own end. They knew that they could put their ad there and appeal to feminists. They knew that anyone who disagreed with its placement, regardless of their actual reason for objection, would be shouted down as sexist, thereby reenforcing the supporters' convictions. They knew that that interaction would generate extensive buzz.
You can either buy into their message or become a target for those that do, but no matter how you engage with it, you end up pushing their message. Whether you're a die hard feminist, or someone who finds this divisive, you are being manipulated by cynical marketers. They've correctly identified the mechanisms of a current social schism, and subverted them.
Regardless of how you feel about the statue, the campaign is simply genius. This is truly art on a next level. The divide of American culture, the cynicism of corporate America and its willingness to stoop to any level, the furious fighting while blind to the real mechanisms at work. This statue may be the perfect representation of America in 2017.
>no matter how you engage with it, you end up pushing their message. Whether you're a die hard feminist, or someone who finds this divisive, you are being manipulated by cynical marketers
This is corporate marketing both adeptly using culture war tactics and manipulating them to its own end. They knew that they could put their ad there and appeal to feminists. They knew that anyone who disagreed with its placement, regardless of their actual reason for objection, would be shouted down as sexist, thereby reenforcing the supporters' convictions. They knew that that interaction would generate extensive buzz.
You can either buy into their message or become a target for those that do, but no matter how you engage with it, you end up pushing their message. Whether you're a die hard feminist, or someone who finds this divisive, you are being manipulated by cynical marketers. They've correctly identified the mechanisms of a current social schism, and subverted them.
Regardless of how you feel about the statue, the campaign is simply genius. This is truly art on a next level. The divide of American culture, the cynicism of corporate America and its willingness to stoop to any level, the furious fighting while blind to the real mechanisms at work. This statue may be the perfect representation of America in 2017.