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Doesn't that conflict with this hint:

> Not far, but too far to walk.

So he took a car to some area, and then drove a motorcycle (or snowmobile) twice to the spot? If you're taking a vehicle why do you need 2 trips, though.

It would conflict somewhat if it was a literal instruction that it's too far to walk.

he's also alluded to the meaning in the opening of one of his books what "not far, but too far to walk" is and said in an interview that "it doesn't take a genius to see what he meant".

At the bottom of a lake? Could drive to where you put the boat in. Can't walk to the bottom of a lake.

also said it was wet and exposed to wildfire so I doubt it's at the bottom of a lake unless the lake is seasonal.

If he is into mysteries, he might have picked the riverbank where D.B. Cooper's ransom cash was discovered in 1978 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper#Physical_evidence).

If he is into mysteries, its entirely possible that he didn't hide any money and is hoping people will find my cooper or his money instead :)

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