Seriously? That's a fairly aggressive comment to just throw out there without any backing arguments.
You really can't think of anything valuable about hooking up small devices/sensors to the internet? Do you really believe the potential for stronger security is so low that it's not worth investigating?
I work at an IoT company and we take security far more seriously than some would say is necessary or even reasonable. We're not the only ones out there, you just don't hear about us because our stuff works and therefore doesn't make the news. Just like you don't hear about all the miles an automated car drives safely.
But I do hear that self driving car has no idea to look for the traffic light if it was not informed beforehand it is here. That does not bring any confidence.
Also, I still don't know what problem is IoT supposed to solve.
You really can't think of anything valuable about hooking up small devices/sensors to the internet? Do you really believe the potential for stronger security is so low that it's not worth investigating?
I work at an IoT company and we take security far more seriously than some would say is necessary or even reasonable. We're not the only ones out there, you just don't hear about us because our stuff works and therefore doesn't make the news. Just like you don't hear about all the miles an automated car drives safely.