Not sure that's true. It was the media that was telling people there was a sudden bombshell that was upending the campaign regarding Clinton's e-mail just a week before the election, and talking about 650,000 new pieces of e-mail that were discovered and being investigated. In reality this ended up being nothing, but it dominated headlines in the week before the election.
Here's a word cloud Gallup did about what people heard about Clinton and what people heard about Trump:
Although I mentioned Trump specifically I only use him as a recent target. The MSM's reporting over the course of the election for all candidates was embarrassing from all perspectives. I don't mean to insinuate that the MSM only reports with bias against Trump, far from it. Trump's situation is unfortunate because I both disagree with him on nearly all issues while also finding the media's reporting about him highly disagreeable, it makes objective discussion difficult with partisans.
The word cloud is interesting because it is obvious that everyone was pestered about Trump's scandals incessantly and would be very aware of them but people decided that they weren't important (relative to the issues they thought Trump was solving).
Here's a word cloud Gallup did about what people heard about Clinton and what people heard about Trump: