That is an interesting point.. if it's AGPL and you are calling user defined functions from your application that are implemented in the AGPL postgresql extension is your codebase affected by virality clause?
Or would that only count when you write new UDFs that call into the extension? Or are neither affected?
Would really love to know because that might affect my willingness to spend time making automated Citus stuff a reality.
> Require users who choose to modify Citus to fit their needs, to release the patches to the software development community.
Do you consider a script that uses your API a patch? In my opinion there is no modification to Citus directly. It's used as intended and the only change is how is used instead of what it does. But it's not clear to me.
Or would that only count when you write new UDFs that call into the extension? Or are neither affected?
Would really love to know because that might affect my willingness to spend time making automated Citus stuff a reality.