For me personally, that would be a positive statement. I don't think any good programming language can stay good unless it keeps evolving (and yes, to me, C++ counts as one despite the occasional gotcha it comes with).
That is - any language except for Lisp :-)
And to be frank: I'd say that anyone opposed to continue to learn new things is entirely in the wrong field if he/she works on any technology-related job.
I mostly agree with you. However, there's something to be said for being conservative and not always tweaking things. C++11 is amazing. I'm still working to solidify my knowledge in it and haven't even peeked into c++14 or higher yet.
However, constantly learning and updating things has its drawbacks. One of the rare times I tried to be hip and use the latest stuff, I tried rewriting parts of a small Android app of mine using java 8 and lambda closures. I made it work, but it required upgrading my minimum build version (locking out older devices), the compiler could barely handle it (gave some strange indecipherable errors relating to lambdas), and ultimately it was just a step backward. That kind of thing really frustrates me, because it's wasted (at best, deferred) effort.
On one hand, I'd agree with you on that; I think we all know the urge to "modernize all the things!", whenever a language implements something new and shiny. And there's definitely much merit to resist that urge to some degree. However, it also is rarely really necessary to do this all in one go; one can also polish things up with strategies like the boyscout rule. And if there is no test for a piece of code - maybe leave it until you have corrected that.
Being conservative with new additions to your codebase seems a bit backward, though. Why not use the new, improved shiny language feature™ if you can?*
Of course, if you are prohibited by business requirements (e.g. missing modern compilers for a certain target platform) that's another story. Basically, it always comes down to practicality.
* A prime example would be the new way you can implement Singletons with C++11. Once you've used that, you realize how horrid pretty much all C++98-based attempts at this are.
And to be frank: I'd say that anyone opposed to continue to learn new things is entirely in the wrong field if he/she works on any technology-related job.