I have not watched the video, but for people reading only comments let me clarify.
Numbers go naturals < integers < rationals < reals. Reals are the union of rationals (quotient of integers) with irrationals.
Rationals may have an infinite decimal expansion, like 1/3 has, but it has a repeating pattern at some point. Irrationals have an infinite decimal expansion and has no repetition of that kind.
This characteristic of irrationals does not depend on the base, it is always the same way. The finitude or infinitude of the representation of a rational depends on the base, but if infinite, there is a repeating pattern.
The video says the difference between reals and rationals is that reals can have infinite decimal expansions. But I concede you're right (if a bit pedantic), the complement of reals and rationals is irrationals.
The complex plane doesn't usually have the imaginary on the x axis.
Real numbers are not the only ones that have infinite digits, think 1/3.
e is not called 'the exponential'.
Also, why the hell is probability applied math?