I'd love to be able to pitch in some money to turn Datomic into an open-source project. As much as I'd love to use it for my own projects, commercial licenses tend to causes huge pains for deployment, and poses as an insurmountable philosophical barrier for use in my own open-source projects.
I worked with Datomic but it was such a turn off to use because of it's limiting license plans. I'm also worried that they might not be around in the future and what then?
An open source Datomic would be wonderful. I worked with Datomic last year and while I enjoyed clojure and datalog, it was also a big pain in the butt to be googling "how do I do X in clojure/datomic/datalog".
A really sharp developer might be able to master it (I'm not) given ample time but it's very expensive both to ramp new developer's up and pay clojure devs which aren't cheap due to their limited supply.
If there was a website like Kickstarter that had a way for people to vote (with money) on open-sourcifying an existing commercial project, would people come?