I wish some company (apart from compose.io) would create a RethinkDB as a service (DBaaS).
I would totally love a dynamodb or firebase kind of payment structure!
I specifically excluded compose not because their service is not great (from what I've heard - it's excellent) but more so because they charge a premium for it.
If there is any way I can help (anything from building, or even just documentation or support), I'd love to get involved.
I am very passionate about XaaS (X as a service) think that we need a lot more DBaaS and we just don't seem to have that many options to choose from which is sad considering almost all software projects out there - especially the hobby ones would benefit so much from such a service.
I would totally love a dynamodb or firebase kind of payment structure!
I specifically excluded compose not because their service is not great (from what I've heard - it's excellent) but more so because they charge a premium for it.