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Vertical farms are going to be huge. They're almost fully isolated from the outside environment save for taking in local air and removing carbon from it. They require magnitudes less water than traditional agriculture and no fertilizers. You can build them in the middle of a downtown core if you need to. And you could optimize power consumption so that the majority of your energy comes from renewable sources.

See Aerofarms[0] for an example. I've heard of companies in Japan developing similar technology. If I meet the right people I might take the plunge and build one myself.

Traditional farming needs to go. It requires huge amounts of land to be cleared, fertilizers, and a large amount of fresh water. Most of what goes into such farms is wasted. Then you have to ship the output over large distances. Better to go vertical in my opinion.

[0] http://aerofarms.com/

Please note that vertical farming is mostly about producing leafy greens and other low-footprint, high-value goods. Purely from the energy standpoint there is no sense in using vertical farming for the bulk of calorie consumption. Compare traditional farming:

sunshine -> green parts of the plant -> seeds -> food -> people

with vertical farming:

sunshine -> [... -> electricity -> LED light] -> green parts of the plant -> seeds -> food -> people

The part in brackets will inevitably reduce overall efficiency by at least one order of magnitude. This means you will need to cover x10+ of land area with solar panels if you want to use them for electricity for vertical agriculture.

They're mostly about producing leafy greens right now for two reasons: proof of concept and profitability. I look forward to the technology expanding to other plant types: tubers, legumes, and the like.

The efficiency of solar panels is improving but not ideal. The advantage is that the energy can be stored in batteries and the light from specialized LEDs only emit the spectrum of light that is useful to the photosynthesis process without generating excess heat. In a controlled environment you're protected from storms and pests. Using aerosolized nutrient delivery eliminates soil management. A good part of your energy profile is likely going to come from traditional sources but the cost of not having to manage acres of land and ship the final product hundreds of kilometres is a big savings.

An argument from the market: do you realize that current vertical farms should demonstrate crazy margins to justify the move to less profitable crops? According to [1], you can sell a cup of micro greens for $5. You will likely need a few times more space (and likely ten times more time) to grow a single soybean plant. The plant will produce a few soy beans that you can sell for less than a cent. How can this be profitable even in a distant future?

The theoretical maximum efficiency of solar panel is around 30%. So 70% of solar energy is already wasted compared to growing stuff in a field, which means that even if the batteries, transmission lines and LEDs are perfect (they are not), you have to cover three times as much land with solar panels as you would have covered with plants. It also seems that you would prefer growing stuff 24/7, for this one needs to compensate for the time when sun isn't shining, which means 9x land. It seems to me that vertical farming will be even more disastrous for the nature than "traditional" one.

[1]: https://www.foodcoop.com/produce

The obvious counter to this is to not use solar panels and LEDs, and just pipe the light with pure optics--mirrors, prisms, light-pipes, etc. Split off the green light for some other use, and direct the rest onto the plants. When the sun isn't shining, feed the optics system with a large, efficient plasma lamp.

Of course, you still need to occupy surface area to collect the free solar light, but you don't need to do it over fertile soil. And you're still going to have efficiency losses, no matter what. The primary benefit of growing indoors is not in the lighting, though. It's in the other factors, like water conservation, pest management, climate control, and pollination control.

Plants aren't using 100% of the suns energy though. They use specific wavelength that the sun output. Do they use more than 30% of the suns available spectrum? I don't know.

Re: LED lighting

Any idea if anyone has experimented with using heliostats and light pipes (fiber optics) to move sunlight from the outside to the inside for growing plants, while eliminating the heat issue - for growing plants?

I know it has been done for lighting a room, as well as for artistic purposes - but I am not sure about whether it has been tried for indoor farming...?

This is offset in part by reducing or eliminating transportation costs and intermediation.

I was reading an interesting article about the farmer's market in my country, production is actually not the largest cost, it's less than half of the actual sale price.

See for example:


(spanish) the article I was reading: http://www.cnfr.org.uy/uploads/files/Manual_de_comercializac...

Even if it's possible to squeeze three times more money for the actual plant growing, I'm not sure it will make a dent on the difference. From the energy perspective: highest possible solar cell efficiency is around 30%, which means just this particular step in the chain will already eliminate the upside of local produce. We still have to account for batteries, LEDs, transmission lines, heating or cooling of the farm, and pumping water and nutrients around. The numbers just don't add up for "large-scale" staple crops like wheat or soy.

I see lots of interesting articles on vertical farms, but they always seem to produce only lettuce, which has zero nutritional value. it worries me that they don't seem to produce anything more substantial

Odds are many of those companies doing vertical farms are really planning on moving from lettuce to much more profitable leafy greens, like pot.

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