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No mobile clients that adaquately supports server-time / playback. I use znc+rcirx w/ some hacks to support server-time, but I still use irccloud on my phone.

I can get push notifications to my phone with a ZNC module so that's not really the hold up.

Mutter is great and free. https://www.mutterirc.com/

Can I also use a desktop client on my Mac and have private messages etc. synced properly to both Mutter and some-desktop-client-x ?

I remember having problems with this in the past using ZNC and separate mobile/laptop clients.

palaver (iOS) and ZNC do the server-time playback quite nicely as long as you use up to date versions. (and also push notifications)

ircv3 specification is shaping up to have even better capabilities there too.

I use Android

I hear good things about wee-droid (or something, it's an app that connect to a weechat in relay mode)

Tbh one of these days I'll just hack in support for the ircv3 features to [popular android client] and call it a day. Gotta love open sores :)

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