I am happy for you, but please stop spreading FUD about Google/Android. I would like you to point out a single practical example of tracking in Android that you can't opt out of.
It's not the opt in/out, it's the Intention that matters. It is known that a company built on advertising will want as much data to profile and target you as possible. If you can disable all/most of the telemetry that's nice, but doesn't change the intent of the vendor, nor does it change the way you are perceived as a customer/data source.
This is the same for most vendors; with Apple, they want to make you a happy customer with the hopes that you'll buy whatever they release next, with Microsoft it's more like an ecosystem idea where they'd like you to connect as many services, software suites and devices with their software as possible, connecting home, work, private, and entertainment. It doesn't need to be the best in quality, but definitely in quantity. With Google, they want as much data about you, and as much exposure to ads as possible, with a free opt-out for data gathering, and a paid opt-out for ad serving (i.e. paid apps vs. free apps as other vendors put them in their play store).
Nothing new here, but it's not FUD about Google/Android, it's just the way they work, and there's nothing wrong with that.
The problem isn't that you can't opt out of it. The problem is that Google cripples your phone if you opt out of it. Because Google's software is not designed to function properly without tracking. (For instance, your local Google Maps install won't even remember where you live or your last location search if you turn search history off in the cloud.) Not having basic local-only functionality is silly, unless you're specifically trying to push people to stay in your tracking system.
Yes. Apple emphasizes data processing on the device itself to enhance privacy.
Additionally the tracking that does take place is generally less invasive, since Apple cares a great deal less about correlating your buying habits with your life history to sell you ads.
If you "opt out" it cripples locations for third party apps. If you opt in Google tracks your location.
Google Accounts.
If you don't put a Google Account on your Android phone it cripples, well, everything. But if you do put a Google Account on it then Google tracks the IP address when it connects to the internet as well as sync times/login times/etc.
Yes, this. Location services. Good luck keeping that off if you use any maps for navigation. Google accounts... Good luck using Android apps securely without the Play store.
I tried rather hard but was ultimately unsuccessful in using Android in any convenient way and not allow Google to track everything I do. If you have any suggestions I am still all ears!