If you are three scientists why are you publishing this on medium? Make your "science" credentials more visible at the least.
If you google their name you find out that they work at Biology Fortified.
>Biology Fortified, Inc. (BFI) is an independent educational tax-exempt non-profit organization incorporated in Wisconsin. Our mission is to strengthen the public discussion of issues in biology, with particular emphasis on genetics and genetic engineering in agriculture. Biology Fortified is independently run on a volunteer basis, and is not supported by any funding from any companies or government entities.
So they are paid to have this particular public (!) opinion.
But the fat that they do not disclose they work at the same non-profit that has a goals that is much related to the topic they address, this does not seem "transparent science-y" to me.
Then acting so "scientific", and "we're just some mommies", just to find out that they work for the same organisation. Yr not just some mommies, your colleagues, and it would not surprise me your got paid to write this.
Thanks for the background check. Sounds a bit like what most lobby groups are like.
Their argument completely side-steps a very simple point many unpaid people agree on: we want to have choice. A no-GMO label is clearly not as good as mandatory "this product contains GMO ingredient(s)".
If you google their name you find out that they work at Biology Fortified.
>Biology Fortified, Inc. (BFI) is an independent educational tax-exempt non-profit organization incorporated in Wisconsin. Our mission is to strengthen the public discussion of issues in biology, with particular emphasis on genetics and genetic engineering in agriculture. Biology Fortified is independently run on a volunteer basis, and is not supported by any funding from any companies or government entities.
So they are paid to have this particular public (!) opinion.