Alan Dean Foster had a great book "Sentenced to Prism", one of the premises of which is a society that evolved from such a helicopter mindset, to the point where all adults wouldn't leave home without a protective body enclosing suit, containing various amenities, and guaranteeing safety from most accidents, even highly unlikely ones.
One of the main takeaways of that story was that this mindset breeds complacency. If nothing bad ever happened to you that you didn't have to deal with the hard way, you start to believe that you're invulnerable; and thus, more likely to wade into dangerous situations without fully realizing just how dangerous they are.
One of the main takeaways of that story was that this mindset breeds complacency. If nothing bad ever happened to you that you didn't have to deal with the hard way, you start to believe that you're invulnerable; and thus, more likely to wade into dangerous situations without fully realizing just how dangerous they are.