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Ask YC Archive (gabrielweinberg.com)
66 points by gchakrab on April 14, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

This is fantastic! A great resource for everyone, no matter how long you've been reading hn. I've been here for years and just read a whole bunch of stuff I had never noticed before. Definitely bookmarked. Perhaps pg could link to this from "Lists". Thank you, Gabriel.

I clicked on about 25 links and noticed that all of them were more than 600 days old. I wonder why. Something about how they were mined? Selection bias?. Or maybe we've already said all the important stuff and hn is devolving into fluff (perish the thought).

More because I haven't updated it in a while :). If pg links it, I promise to update it immediately!

There's no reason the sections can't be given constant names-- instead of #toc29 you could have #visas. This would avoid the explanation of how links can break, as well as avoid breaking links (and, as a bonus, you can stay backwards-compatible in the transition). Though of course, this does require you to update it, blah blah blah. Perhaps consider it in the future? :)

Very nice collection, of course.

Also, a script/Unix-one-liner to download everything and wrap in a zip/tarball for leisurely offline reading (e-readers/pads/etc.)

Selling PDF optional ;-) (yeah, I know - just curious about the number of pages.)

Thanks, of course, curating this is a lot of work.

P.S. the PDF joke was partly because of the Wikipedia repackagers; they seem to be resting: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1183986

Noooo! There goes the next few hours/days. :) This is awesome, but I've already opened 20+ tabs in just one section...

I've been linked this so many times that I assumed it had already been posted - a must read if you haven't browsed before.

Very informative. I've sent this to my co-founders and we're reading through it - at least, the threads we haven't already read.

Thank you!

This is an amazing resource! Many thanks for putting it together.

So much quality info! Very many thanks.

great, thanks

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