This is fantastic! A great resource for everyone, no matter how long you've been reading hn. I've been here for years and just read a whole bunch of stuff I had never noticed before. Definitely bookmarked. Perhaps pg could link to this from "Lists". Thank you, Gabriel.
I clicked on about 25 links and noticed that all of them were more than 600 days old. I wonder why. Something about how they were mined? Selection bias?. Or maybe we've already said all the important stuff and hn is devolving into fluff (perish the thought).
There's no reason the sections can't be given constant names-- instead of #toc29 you could have #visas. This would avoid the explanation of how links can break, as well as avoid breaking links (and, as a bonus, you can stay backwards-compatible in the transition). Though of course, this does require you to update it, blah blah blah. Perhaps consider it in the future? :)
I clicked on about 25 links and noticed that all of them were more than 600 days old. I wonder why. Something about how they were mined? Selection bias?. Or maybe we've already said all the important stuff and hn is devolving into fluff (perish the thought).