Document Open certainly didn't prevent proprietary document nightmares. Lock-in is only an issue inasmuch as users don't demand a sane export. Pages documents could be a proprietary, patent-protected nightmare internally and it wouldn't matter to me: when I want the document out, I export it back to myself in a standard format. (Sure, it'd be nice to have a mass-export, but these things will come with time.)
Automatic versioning is also just "one of those things that software should do". Ideally with some logarithmically scaled set of versions when space becomes an issue.
Folders don't scale either. People quickly wind up just using search. Search works pretty darn well everywhere beyond the trivial case. Of course, for search to work really well, what the iPhone OS needs is an interface to let device-wide search tap into third party data stores.
Also, I think "piles" a la albums in the photo app is going to become a more generalized solution to the 'folder' issue.
It will fill the middle-ground where linear lists break down and tagging/foldering makes sense, but before tagging/foldering gets so complex that you just search anyway.
Yes proprietary formats encourage lock-in too and open standard doc formats are better. But the 'export' that you mention requires a document open (or 'import') on the other end.
Automatic versioning is also just "one of those things that software should do". Ideally with some logarithmically scaled set of versions when space becomes an issue.
Folders don't scale either. People quickly wind up just using search. Search works pretty darn well everywhere beyond the trivial case. Of course, for search to work really well, what the iPhone OS needs is an interface to let device-wide search tap into third party data stores.
Also, I think "piles" a la albums in the photo app is going to become a more generalized solution to the 'folder' issue. It will fill the middle-ground where linear lists break down and tagging/foldering makes sense, but before tagging/foldering gets so complex that you just search anyway.