git clone - download an existing repo from the internet
git status - show changes made in repository and any pending additions that haven't been committed
git diff - show changes made to file that haven't been committed
git pull - pull changes from remote repository
git push - push changes to remote repository
git log - show log of commits
git mv - move a file while preserving diff
git rm - remove a file
git add - add a file
git checkout - checkout a branch, file, etc
git reset --hard origin/master` - undo all changes, reset to last commit in master
git blame - show who is responsible for what in a specific file
git fetch - download objects from another repo/branch
git merge - merge two branches together
... etc.
git clone - download an existing repo from the internet
git status - show changes made in repository and any pending additions that haven't been committed
git diff - show changes made to file that haven't been committed
git pull - pull changes from remote repository
git push - push changes to remote repository
git log - show log of commits
git mv - move a file while preserving diff
git rm - remove a file
git add - add a file
git checkout - checkout a branch, file, etc
git reset --hard origin/master` - undo all changes, reset to last commit in master
git blame - show who is responsible for what in a specific file
git fetch - download objects from another repo/branch
git merge - merge two branches together
... etc.