Today, fake cigarettes and fire code violations. Tomorrow, aggregating the 1M+ or so surveillance cams around the city. Cross-referenced with facial recognition databases, cell tower logs, social media droppings, what have you.
Total hyperbole!
It's not hyperbole at all.
The most telling part of this article to me, was the small sums of money being made by Palantir
It's called "a foot in the door." Palantir knows that the potential of the "smart cities" market is deep and vast. So that's why its initial deals with NYC -- and what better marquee client to have? -- are priced at teaser rates.
Today, fake cigarettes and fire code violations. Tomorrow, aggregating the 1M+ or so surveillance cams around the city. Cross-referenced with facial recognition databases, cell tower logs, social media droppings, what have you.
Total hyperbole!
It's not hyperbole at all.
The most telling part of this article to me, was the small sums of money being made by Palantir
It's called "a foot in the door." Palantir knows that the potential of the "smart cities" market is deep and vast. So that's why its initial deals with NYC -- and what better marquee client to have? -- are priced at teaser rates.