If you want to get a picture and understanding of the development and history of economic thought I second this suggestion of the Worldly Philosophers. It is very readable. It won't help you at all with a job in finance, but it will make you a more informed citizen, and better able to understand 'how the world works.'
Bruck, Connie (1988) Predator's Ball: Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and Rise of Junk Bond Raiders
Draper, William (2011) Startup Game
Graham, Benjamin and Jason Zweig (2006) Intelligent Investor, revised ed.
_________ and David Dodd (2008) Security Analysis, 6E
Greenblatt, Joel (1999) You Can Be a Stock Market Genius
Greenwald, Kahn, Sonkin, Biema (2001) Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond
Henwood, Doug (1997) Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom
Levitt, Arthur (2003) Take on the Street: How to Fight for Your Financial Future
Lewis, Michael (1989) Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
_________ (2010) Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
Ayres, Ian (2007) Super Crunchers: Why Thinking by Numbers is the New Way to Be Smart
Bernstein, Peter (1996) Against the Gods: Remarkable Story of Risk
Kahneman, Daniel (2011) Thinking, Fast and Slow
Silver, Nate (2012) Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail, but Some Don't
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2005) Fooled by Randomness, 2E
_________ (2010) Black Swan: Impact of the Highly Improbable, 2E
Christensen, Clayton (1997) Innovator's Dilemma
Stone, Brad (2013) Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
Wallace, James and Jim Erickson (1992) Hard Drive: Bill Gates and Making of the Microsoft Empire
Walton, Sam with John Huey (1992) Sam Walton: Made in America
Wilson, Mike (1996) Difference between God and Larry Ellison: Inside Oracle Corp
Arrighi, Giovanni (1994) Long Twentieth Century
Braudel, Fernand (1979) Civilization & Capitalism 15th-18th Century, vol. 3: Perspective of the World, trans. Siân Reynolds
Brechin, Gray (2006) Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin
Heilbroner, Robert (1999) Worldly Philosophers: Lives, Times & Ideas of Great Economic Thinkers, 7E
Marx, Karl (1867) Capital, vol. 1
Stiglitz, Joseph (2003) Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World’s Most Prosperous Decade
_________ (2010) Freefall: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy
Vallianatos, E.G. (2014) Poison Spring: Secret History of Pollution and EPA
Vilar, Pierre (1976) A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920
Yergin, Daniel (1992) Prize: Epic Quest for Money, Oil and Power
Would enjoy email correspondence with anyone interested in these subjects: mitchelldeacon9@gmail.com All the best