- Your messages are yours, and we can’t read them. We’ve built privacy, end-to-end encryption, and other security features into WhatsApp. We don’t store your messages once they’ve been delivered. When they are end-to-end encrypted, we and third parties can’t read them.
So they can share location, phone number, contact book, maybe chat group names if they're not encrypted, and maybe the people participating in those groups, the online/offline status, who and when you call, what else am I missing?
- Your messages are yours, and we can’t read them. We’ve built privacy, end-to-end encryption, and other security features into WhatsApp. We don’t store your messages once they’ve been delivered. When they are end-to-end encrypted, we and third parties can’t read them.
So they can share location, phone number, contact book, maybe chat group names if they're not encrypted, and maybe the people participating in those groups, the online/offline status, who and when you call, what else am I missing?