Your comment reminds of me the time my friend wanted to build something with a half-duplex radio, and rather than figure out how to get the crappy Arduino library to switch from receive to transmit, they wrote the message & a flag to the EEPROM, overflowed the watchdog timer, and (upon reading the flag after reset) brought the radio up in transmit mode.
In this day and age of flat design and bootstrap look-and-feel based blog systems and websites, it's nice to see a blog with visual character. I love the design, it harks back to when people were proud to have a small place on the web that was theirs in that they made an effort to personalise it.
The personal spaces on the web now are starting to look bland, like corporate intranets (I blame Medium and it's minimalist look for this).
I have been using fish as my primary shell for a while and it is pretty good. The development pace is pretty good, happens on Github, bugs are fixed pretty quickly and PRs merged in ASAP. I do recommend having a POSIX compliant shell installed alongside for when it is needed. The interactive shell experience with fish is amazing though.
This is a clever approach. Reminds me how important it is to know as much as possible about the full stack you're working with so you can leverage these kinds of opportunities.
This is still a significant security improvement over the usual IoT situation, which would generally permit anybody in the world to ring your doorbell.
that article sounds like the button would have lasted longer if he'd had fish's project. i.e. the button didn't last because his kid multi-pressed because the feedback was not fast enough.