> One thing I find interesting is Frank's claim that "You have then ignored bug reports about this for years." It seems like users have a better chance of getting problems addressed on Github than the previous feedback mechanism.
Maybe, but I see that more as just that the "new MS" is trying to become more open and integrated with the OS community. The change being in the company culture and approach rather than the reporting platform. Ignoring long-standing bugs on many products was just the modus operandi for the old MS.
W00t, the new Microsoft is totally not like that old Microsoft that used to fund SCO's lawsuit and spread FUD about competing open-source software and patents violations.
1. Ubuntu doing it doesn't excuse MS. They're completely unrelated companies, and Ubuntu doesn't represent all of the FOSS OS world.
2. Ubuntu actually listened and stopped doing it.
I love how the EFF singles out Windows 10, but doesn't mention iOS and stock Android pretty much do the same thing.
Your tech rights articles points out IV, but fails to mention they raised money from Google. They also like to equate Linux, Android, and ChromeOS. That article is just poor. Microsoft has done, and continues to do some shitty things. Windows 10 update and privacy is a debacle. But their releases from a tech standpoint are a welcome change.
Maybe, but I see that more as just that the "new MS" is trying to become more open and integrated with the OS community. The change being in the company culture and approach rather than the reporting platform. Ignoring long-standing bugs on many products was just the modus operandi for the old MS.