I have to wonder how many people are really trying to run curl and wget from Windows PowerShell and running into a problem. I feel like if you're the kind of person who would do that you are also the kind who could easily configure your environment to get it the way you want. Breaking existing behavior seems like a bigger problem.
You can bypass this problem by appending ".exe" to the end of your command anyway, as in, "curl.exe" instead of "curl" fixes the alias problem and allows native curl to run.
Alternatively you can use a fully qualified path (c:/utils/curl.exe).
Technologically it is trivial to bypass the alias. But that doesn't mean the curl/wget people don't have a legit point about trademark usage and or incompatible args between the cmdlet (actually Invoke-WebRequest) and original UNIX utilities.
Yeah, but the aliases are mostly meant for an interactive scenario where it has real value to be able to just try typing in a command you know and then you can actually look at the docs to understand the details, rather than having to Google "PowerShell equivalent to wget" or whatever.