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Harvard Museums Releases Online Catalogue of 32,000 Bauhaus Works (archdaily.com)
70 points by at-fates-hands on Aug 17, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

The collection features work from the likes of Mies van der Rohe, Bertrand Goldberg, Marcel Breuer, and Bauhaus-founder Walter Gropius himself...

It's unfortunate that this article doesn't take a moment to call out that Gropius stole a huge number of those photographs from Lucia Moholy: http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/photo-credit-negatives...

The site lists 53 items by Lucia Moholy, so not really a huge part of the collection.

Just go straight to the Harvard Museums site - http://www.harvardartmuseums.org/tour/the-bauhaus

Classic example of what's bad about modern web site design. 1.5MB of javascript and misc overhead with a spinner over a blank page to load < 1KB of text and 5 small thumbnails.

I'm sure it looks great on an iMac (that's all artists and designers use, right?)

Looks okay on an iMac. Loads very slowly. Has poor navigation - doesn't keep your place if you click on an item and then click Back.

The content is absolutely fascinating, but I wish the images weren't just thumbnails.

click to view the image url and you'll find you can strip off the parameters to get a bigger image

This site is worth a look. It's as beautiful as it has been for over a decade (through a couple of designs at least). Still JS heavy, but loads in less than a second for me.


I don't see "Bela Lugosi's Dead" anywhere ...

Have an upvote for an obscure Music reference.

When I lived in East Germany in 1998/99, I mentioned the Bauhaus in Dassau to my Germans friends (university professors) and they would not have a clue about it.

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