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Sorry how does it follow that you can form the pattern row by row? When you write this down as a linear algebra problem you kinda forget about the structure of the board, and the rows of the resulting matrix you apply Gauss elimination to don't correspond to the rows of the game board. So you must have meant something else that I'm missing, but I'm confused how you would solve just the bottom row without touching any others.

For every boards are two chessboard patterns we can solve for. For example, for a 3x3 board we can have:

  101        010
  010   or   101
  101        010
where 1 is a white square and 0 is a black square.

We can represent any N×N board as a N² vector. So, we can represent one of the chessboard pattern as:

  101 = 010101010 = y
At the beginning of the game, the board is at some random initial pattern.

  111 = 110111010 = y0
The goal of the game is to find the necessary moves to form the chessboard pattern. Hence, we want to solve the equation

  (y - y0) = Mx
where M is a N²×N² matrix representing the effect of every possible moves. Pressing on a tile is equation to addition by 1 modulo 2.

  1 + 1 = 0 (mod 2)
  0 + 1 = 1 (mod 2)
For example, pressing the top left tile is the same as adding this effect vector to the board vector:

If we do this for all 9 tiles of the 3x3 board, we find the matrix M to be:

  111111111 = M
where the i-th row is the effect of pressing the i-th tile. Now, we can just solve for x (assuming M is not singular). Re-using our above example, we find

  (y - y0) = Mx
  (010101010 - 110111010) = Mx
  100010000 = Mx
  111100100 = x   (by Gaussian elimination)
This means we can press the following tiles (in any order) on the board to solve it:

If you are interested, I wrote some quick demo code that shows how this could be implemented in Python: https://gist.github.com/avassalotti/7452318c9e9b8dec637bc7c0...

This is a very nice exposition of the strategy, but I still don't see how it answers my more specific question, about whether you can solve the problem row by row (is the grid).

Sorry, it turns that was misunderstanding from my part. It turns out we cannot solve a board row by row without revisiting the previous rows. The board below is a counterexample:

The first and second rows are solved. However we cannot solve the last row without re-doing the first and second rows. The two solutions of this board shows this:

  solution #1:

  solution #2:
Actually, seeing my mistake made me challenge my assumption that a singular matrix over the reals might not be over integers modulo 2. This is likely wrong too. I don't know much about abstract algebra (and I am not a mathematician). Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinant#Square_matrices_ov...) states "the reduction modulo m of the determinant of such a matrix is equal to the determinant of the matrix reduced modulo m."

The move matrix M for all boards of size 3n + 2 appears to be singular. This means these boards may have no solution or a large number of solutions.

Gotcha, thanks.

FYI, a singular matrix taking values in {0,1} that is singular over R if and only if it is also singular over Z/2, for exactly the reason you provide, that the determinant commutes with modding by 2.

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