I try not to use any sort of app -- as I believe that can be used as a crux -- other than what I have learned. So, I have learned a few key points.
* Focus on less things [http://jamesclear.com/buffett-focus]
* Don't break the chain [https://www.writersstore.com/dont-break-the-chain-jerry-sein...]
* Be present in every moment (don't multi-task, either with thought or action) [https://www.amazon.com/Way-Peaceful-Warrior-Changes-Lives/dp...]
I try not to use any sort of app -- as I believe that can be used as a crux -- other than what I have learned. So, I have learned a few key points.
* Focus on less things [http://jamesclear.com/buffett-focus]
* Don't break the chain [https://www.writersstore.com/dont-break-the-chain-jerry-sein...]
* Be present in every moment (don't multi-task, either with thought or action) [https://www.amazon.com/Way-Peaceful-Warrior-Changes-Lives/dp...]