As most protectors of the establishment are wont to do, the author conflates lack of trust in science with lack of trust in the system used to produce medicines. Putting the profit motive ahead of concerns for safety, performing biased studies while burying relevant data through intimidation and lawsuits, and past history of incredible breaches of public trust is quite enough evidence to make any rational person question the medical system and it's willful, arrogant ignorance in pursuit of competitive advantage. If you want to increase the rate at which people immunize, the answer is simple and obvious, change the for-profit medical industry to an open, verifiable and free model. Anyone who would put the future of the human race into the hands of for profit corporations, deserves to be ejected from the gene pool at the soonest opportunity. A virus is more trustworthy than the likes of Monsanto, Bayer, GSK or any other of these vampires of human misery.