I missed that the quote was Backus's, it makes a lot more sense now.
The quality of your photos is excellent and I doubt a scanner would make them much better. I wish there was a transcript though.
As a start, here is the first letter transcribed:
to John Backus
International Business Machines Corporation
5600 Cattle Road
Monday 29th of May, 1978
“To interrupt one’s own researches in order to
follow those of another is a scientific pleasure
which most experts delegate to their assistants.”
(Eric Temple Bell in
“Development of Mathematics”)
Dear John,
I do not claim to be more noble or sensible than “most
experts”; perhaps it is only becauseI have only one
assistant to whom I can delegate no more than one
man can do. But when you open your letter with:
“I am quite sure that you have never read
any paper I’ve sent you before”
it is my pleasure to inform you that - although
“quite sure” - you were very wrong. I very well
remember that you mailed me a sizeable paper
on reduction languages to which I owe my introduction
to that subject. I didn’t only read it, parts of it
were even studied. I also remember that it left me
with mixed feelings.
I can very well understand your excitement, although,
for lack of experience, I still cannot share it. I am
far from delighted with the state of the art of programming
today, and anyone suggesting an alternative has in
in [sic] principle my sympathy - until, of course, he loses it again,
like Terry Winograd did when he suggested natural language
programming - “natural descriptions”! - as an alternative-.
In the long run I have more faith in any rephrasing of the
programming task that makes it more amendable to mathematical
treatment. But you must have lots of patience, for the
run will be very long. It isn’t just mental inertia - that
problem can be solved generally by education a new
generation of youngsters and waiting until the old ones
have died - . It is the development of a new set of
techniques needed to achieve a comparable degree of
Could you get me a copy of G.A. Mago’s (not
yet published) “A network of microprocessors to execute
reduction languages”? That might whet my appetite!
From various angles I have looked into such networks
and I am not entirely pleased with what I have
seen. Firstly I suspect our techniques for proving the
correctness of such designs: each next proof seems to
differ so much from all the previous ones. I suspect
I discovered that all I could design were special
purpose networks, which, of course, made me suspect
the programming language in the Von Neumann style
which, already before you have chosen your problem,
seems to have set you on the wrong track.
Semantically speaking the semicolon is, of course,
only a way of expressing functional composition: it
imposes the same order that can also be expressed
with brackets - innermost brackets first -. In combination
with the distribution you can generate many innermost
bracket pairs, thus expressing very honestly that it is
really only a partial order that matters. I like that,
it is honest.
When you write “one can transform programs [....]
by the use of laws [...] which are _part of the program-
ming language_” etc. I am somewhat hesitant. I am
not convinced (yet?) that the traditional separation in
fixed program, variable data and assertions is a
mistake. The first and the last - program and assertions -
are somewhat merged in LUCID, in which correctness
proofs are carried out in (nearly) the same formalism
as the program is expressed in. On the one hand that
presents a tempting unification, on the other hand I
thought that mathematicians speerated carefully and
for good reasons the language they talk about and
the metalanguage in which they do so. To put it in
another way: given a functional program, I feel only
confident if I can do enough other significant things
to it besides easy[striked out three times] carrying it out. And those I don’t
see yet. The almost total absence of redundancy
is another aspect of the same worry. In the case
of a traditional program we know how to make it
redundant: by inserting assertions, combination
of text and assertions makes it into a logically
tightly knit whole, that gives me confidence. How
do we this with functional programs? By supplying
two of them and an argument that demonstrates
their equivalence?
What about the following example? (My notation
because I lack the fluency in yours.)
(1) Consider the function f defined by:
f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2n) = f(n), f(2n+1) = f(n) + f(n+1)
(2) Consider the following program (“peven” = “positive and even”,
so for “podd”)
{N>=0} n, a, b := N, 1, 0;
_do_ peven(n) -> a, n := a + b, n/2
[] podd(n) -> b, n := b + a, (n-1)/2
_od_ {b=f(N)}
Here (1) gives a recursive definition of f, (2) gives
a repetitive program. Both definitions can be translated
in a straightforward manner into functional programs.
What would be involved in the demonstration of their
The above seems to me little example of the appropriate
degree of sophistication to try your hands on. (I am
not going to try it myself, as I fear that my past
experience would misguide me: I am afraid that I
wouldn’t rise above the level of translating (2)’s
traditional correctness proof - with which I am very
familiar - in an unfamiliar notation. Good luck!)
With my greetings and warmest regards,
yours ever
P.S. Please note my new postal code: 5671 AL
(capitals obligatory) _in front of_ the village name
Maybe someone with OCR software at hand can give the typed ones a try?
As an addition to your transcription, here is the last letter transcribed:
to John Backus
91 Saint Germain Avenue
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94114
12th July 1979
Dear John,
My schedule is very tight, and I am afraid that I
must disappoint John Williams; Monday 20 or Tuesday 21
August seem the only two slots that are really available.
I shall arrive in the USA on Sunday 29th July, and
had already committed myself for the week of Monday
30 July to Burroughs in Mission Viejo. My wife and
the two youngest children will join me for the first
three weeks of the trip, and the week of 6th August
was planned as "the real holiday." Since then Bill
McKeenan has twisted my arm: the programming
course to be given that week was so heavily over-
booked that he asked me to give a second course,
in parallel to David's. Under those circumstances
I would like to avoid further commitments in
the week starting on Monday 13: it is their last
week in the USA, and I have then been working
almost all the time!
Immediately after WG2.3 I shall go to Austin,
Texas (Burroughs and University), and then home!
If I have a completely free choice, I think I
would prefer Monday 20 slightly over Tuesday 21.
New title and abstract:
Title: Termination Detection for Diffusing Computations
Abstract: The activity of a finite computation may
propagate over a network of machines, when machines
may delegate (repeatedly) subtasks to their
neighbours; when such a computation is fired
from a single machine, we call it "a diffusing
computation." We present a signalling scheme
--to be superimposed on the diffusing computation--
enabling the machine that fired it to detect its
termination. Our signalling scheme is perfectly
general in the sense that, independently of the
topology of the network, it is applicable to
any diffusing computation. (End of abstract.)
Please give my regards to John Williams and tell
him how sorry I am that I shall miss him. I
am not familiar with distance and transport facilities
between Santa Cruz and San Jose. If it is better
when I come to San Jose the day before that
is fine with me; may I leave the logistics to
you? (Wife and children leave on Friday 17th of August.)
With my greetings and best wishes,
yours ever
I missed that the quote was Backus's, it makes a lot more sense now.
The quality of your photos is excellent and I doubt a scanner would make them much better. I wish there was a transcript though.
As a start, here is the first letter transcribed:
Maybe someone with OCR software at hand can give the typed ones a try?