The US media as a whole may not be asking critical questions, but that's not the point of free press. The fact is that the US media is free to ask critical questions, and therefore some, though not all, of the media ask critical questions.
Bingo. I keep seeing the US chatter being about boo scary government, but then turn right round and supplicate themselves to the big US brands as some kind of deities of freedom.
fuck that shit. Every large org is a problem, as it will develop a internal culture and world view.
when you have corporations existing in the world that has bigger revenue streams than nations, it should bring pause for thought.
No it doesn't have to. Stop moving the goalposts. The US has a free press, and under no definition does free necessarily require fair. It would be better if it had a fair press, but it is not necessary for freedom.
You're again letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.