I took it out to make it less about me. When my phone gets below about 60 I turn it off and use it only when needed. I don't want to be in a situation where I need it and don't have it.
I'm also the kind that carries around emergency money in his wallet and has a first aid kit and spare headlight in his car. In fact, I keep a spare credit card in my desk drawer with my passport so that if I lose my wallet I won't be without money for a few days. Thanks dad, you taught me well
Have you considered that maybe because you've put so much thought into this you have disdain for people who haven't? I can tell from your first post. Your first thought is to blame those nasty people who dare using they phone on low battery.
It's probably mostly lifestyle driven. If someone takes public transit (say, living the bay or ny) as opposed to their own car (say living in houston or la), there's one less charging opportunity.
Then if someone has a job where there's lots of meetings or lots of walking ... etc ...
For whatever reason, in my life at least, it's almost always north of 80%. And I don't have some special smartphone (in fact, I don't even know the model offhand). This has been a consistent story since I started carrying mobiles 15 years ago
I really don't follow your logic, if you hardly ever use more than the first 20% of the battery, why do you need to leave three times that amount as your safety cushion by turning off when you get down to 60%?
I don't drive, but do carry a small USB charger with me anytime I either go out for most of the day, especially if for work, and sometimes on nights out. I still can get to the end of a long day having used all of both my phone's and my charger's batteries. But I don't turn my phone off before it gets to 9%, because 9% is more than enough to do whatever emergency thing I might need my phone for at the end of the day. I'd be able to turn it back on and... make a few phone calls. Or order and wait for an Uber. Or look up transport options on Google Maps. Or open my bus/train ticket app to get on-board.
(I do, however, often think ahead and would sometimes put battery saver mode on even when I'm as high as 80% charged, if I know it's a long time until my next charge, it means people can still contact me but there might be a slight delay, it means I can still use it soon as I pull it out of my pocket, and it means I'm much less likely to need to turn it off at all.)
I understand that. The reality is that it almost never gets below the top quintile ... so if I see it getting near 50, then it's very likely going to get to be a zero condition.