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CSS Purge (csspurge.com)
190 points by tnorthcutt on May 20, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 78 comments

Yes, CSS might be a big problem, but people's obsession with overriding everything with Javascript is a much bigger problem. I think web developers/designers need to move more towards lighter webpages that use HTML for functionality whenever possible, which is something that might seem obvious, but is so rarely done.

For a while I worked on and made use of a very lightweight JS framework that would essentially do two things:

* Intercept link clicks and form submissions and perform the exact same request asynchronously (AJAX)

* Wait for the server to respond with the parts of the page that need to be swapped-out (a JSON map of section IDs to plain HTML content) and, as expected, swap out those parts of the page.

This works REALLY well for, like, 80% of my use cases. With a little extra flavor functionality (such as automatic loading indicators and event listeners) I can enable like 90% of interactivity. The remaining 10% consists of things that affect only temporary state and don't require a server round-trip (e.g. a "select all" checkbox), and those I would handle with more traditional jQuery DOM manipulation.

For the most part, once I had this basic system in place, I could rely on the server to render (and re-render) all of the HTML and rarely had to write any custom Javascript. I was essentially relying on the behavior of vanilla links and forms. The site would even continue to function if you disabled Javascript, because the server would see that it wasn't AJAX and just render the whole page instead. The downside was that preserving local state (e.g. partially completed form fields) was tricky whenever I had to make a change to one of its parent containers.

Everything I learned about this approach eventually led me to appreciate what React.js is doing. I've been using it and I may not like all of its API or how heavy it feels overall, but the cycle of rendering and re-rendering different parts of the page feels very natural and is far easier to debug than most JS-heavy front-ends.

Why just don't let the hyperlinks do what they are supposed to do, which is what you do at the end of the day anyways, then?

When I approach a link, I hover, see the href on the status bar, think and decide, and click. Thereafter, I expect it to take me somewhere else, while the browser pushes the url of the page I left into a stack, the history. This implemented and working in my browser already, why redo it with JS? To lower the load time? Then don't make the page multi-meg already, no?

The ugly thing is govt websites and such are adopting a similar style of web app design, relying upon wizardy and tricks and hacks, for example, I sweat blood when I use my uni's web pages because I'll hit a bug in the js for an already-there popup or a button and it'll hurt my educational career.

One thing I'm not sure I made entirely clear. Whenever my JS library intercepts a link or button click, it will update the URL bar with whatever the link or form would've brought you to, so that at any time if you refresh the page it will result in the same state that the AJAX gave you. Also, the approach is designed to gracefully degrade if JS is disabled, because the links and forms really are just links and forms.

> why redo it with JS? To lower the load time? Then don't make the page multi-meg already, no?

I hear you, and often I let links do their full behavior, no JS magic involved.

But beyond a certain amount of interactivity, the AJAX intercept approach does add a few things beyond just load time:

* Even if your payload is very small, the HTTP round trip can make the interaction feel slow, especially if your browser has to go through the full load+render routine. Things like images and sometimes even the whole page will flicker. When all you need to do is update a very tiny portion of the page, having a thin JS layer on top of your usual link/form element can be a significant UX improvement.

* Say you have a page with a few interactive buttons/links and a form with text input. Without any AJAX, if you click a button or link (that isn't the form's submit button), it will wipe anything you had entered into the text field. Not a great experience.

> Whenever my JS library intercepts a link or button click, it will update the URL bar

The browser does this already.

> Even if your payload is very small, the HTTP round trip can make the interaction feel slow, especially if your browser has to go through the full load+render routine. Things like images and sometimes even the whole page will flicker.

Browsers are very smart these days, caching many things. And if the bloat is eliminated (unnecessarily large images [make thumbnails], custom widgets [use what's there], etc.), if you webpage is not the whole of the Emacs or FreeBSD manual, it'll load in about a second or so at worst. The progressbar will indicate that it's loading, so the user will know that the server is live and he's not standing there waiting to see a HTTP 50* or 40* or a lookup error.

> Say you have a page with a few interactive buttons/links and a form with text input. Without any AJAX, if you click a button or link (that isn't the form's submit button), it will wipe anything you had entered into the text field. Not a great experience.

Also an inexistent experience. Most browsers do retain the contents after navigation, both ways. I use xombrero and it does. Chrome too, I just tried it.

If downloads of your web pages are >1sec, check your web application, web server, proxies, asset file sizes, loading order, internet connection, status of hosting, etc. Use default widgets on your forms and don't fiddle with their default behaviour. Otherwise when everybody puts out their shiny new idea, the users become timid to click anything. But I guess if all the websites were like this thousands of front-end devs and web designers would lose their jobs, and thus we have all these websites.


I guess my overall point here was that you can build a sufficiently interactive webapp without a bloated, client-side, MVC, virtualDOM, JS monstrosity. And that there are widely varying degrees of complexity to these implementations.

So, on the one hand, you have Ember, Angular, Backbone, React, etc. On the other hand you can have what I described. A very thin, very maintainable layer on top of what the browser is already doing.

That was the point.

Anyway, one other thing:

> Most browsers do retain the contents after navigation, both ways.

That's not what I meant. What I meant is that sometimes you need a button or link to take you back to the exact same form, just update the page slightly. (Add an optional field, etc. Think if you are entering an "album" and need to add a list of "tracks"). Without any JS/AJAX, that "add track" button will require a bit of finagling to not clear out the rest of the form that you've already partially filled out (but aren't ready to submit). I don't know if my example is entirely clear, but it's about enabling a certain amount of interactivity without relying on more standard JS bloat.

I guess my overall point here was that you can build a sufficiently interactive webapp without a bloated, client-side, MVC, virtualDOM, JS monstrosity.

Given the fact that most of the bloated JS monstrosities you're talking about are also the most popular websites around (Facebook, Google, Pinterest), I think this assumption might be wrong.

Do you have any examples of popular, complex web apps that work the way you suggest is better? Why is it that Facebook etc don't make things that work the way you're talking about?

I think he means sites that are not as complex as Facebook etc think they need to use the same framework as Facebook etc uses where they would be perfectly fine using the pjax/turbo link style approach the op suggests

Yes, this is what I meant. One prominent example is GitHub. As far as I know they still take pjax/turbolinks to an extreme, in favor of a true client-side template/view framework.

> it'll load in about a second or so at worst

A second is slow, and should absolutely not be the standard we're aiming for. If AJAX allows you to get closer to the ideal without messing with the typical browser workflow, why not use it?

Try browsing https://dev.to/. It feels good, no? That's the standard we should be aiming for, and it's made possible in part with exactly these ideas (see: http://instantclick.io/).

The truth is, it's all because most websites are really ads, and they have to follow the fashion - otherwise you risk sending a message that your company or project is bad in some way. Web is a fashion-driven industry and any usability or ergonomics is not even a secondary consideration.

I made a website for my uncle's tile business. Real, international business with an office in the UK. I made it with ~180 lines of CSS, ~30 lines of JS ~20 lines of GNU (1) m4, and 60 lines of make. Got positive impressions from everybody he works with and probably improved our sales. External JS included, the WHOLE website source weighs in at 150 kb without images, with multiple pages, a gallery with a lightbox and on a proper grid (github.com/ThisIsDallas/simplegrid), a custom Google Maps map via the API, a carousel, and a consistent colour scheme, all done in an afternoon. And once compiled, the product weighs less than the source.

I guess the problem is nowadays the designer folk gets to say too much on the development of websites and web standards. There is no prerequisite to become one. If you didn't study CS in depth, at the uni or by yourself, you can't do embedded, OS dev, etc., but mashing together some stuff from Github you become a web designer, no qualifications needed.

Here we have a website that talks about bloat and lists nine or ten tools that have well established, better, more generic counterparts. Generating a file from another via a filter program (minifier, m4, awk, coffeescript compiler...) is what make excells at. Replacing strings is what m4, awk and sed do since 1980's. We don't expect from the designer folk to know anything about the basics of computing. And they spend their time duplicating and triplicating and quadruplicating effort spent decades ago to end up doing the same thing, only worse, and when it comes to actual work, all they do is mix and match some libraries and add bloat after bloat, instead of looking to see what needs to be done, and doing it, using the tools already available and fit.

(1) Otherwise I'd have to implement a foreach macro, which would take some 10 lines more.

I'm not sure I understand why designers should know CS. Most of them spend their time in Photoshop/Sketch, not programming. Unless I misunderstand.

Also from your other comment you would like Ajax to not be used in websites?

> I'm not sure I understand why designers should know CS. Most of them spend their time in Photoshop/Sketch, not programming. Unless I misunderstand.

They also write a lot of JS and CSS that face the web. I didn't want to say that they should learn/know CS, but just some basics of computing, if they're going to write code that runs on others' machines (JS).

> Also from your other comment you would like Ajax to not be used in websites?

I would like the normal behaviour of browser widgets (links, buttons, forms) let alone. New widgets are OK with me, e.g. an interactive map, a carousel, a dropdown menu. You get to define the behaviour of these tools, but a button, a link etc. has an associated meaning with them.

Really? I've never met a designer that wrote js. Engineers should be writing the software. Js web apps are essentially the same as c++ win32 ( or whatever thick client side tech ) apps with some web semantics like urls preserved. I've seen designers write css, and I think the good ones do, but I've never met one that was happy to or was particularly skilled at it.

There is a recent inclination among designers to write JS and take part in writing front-end code. Youtube is full of their talks.

JS/Hypertext was not initially meant for engineering anyting, so it's not analogous to a combination of UI toolkit & proper programming language & a compiler.

Huh. Js has certainly evolved though, I mean check out how v8 compiles down to assembly and accesses object properties directly at a fixed memory offset: http://www.developerknowhow.com/995/why-the-v8-javascript-en...

Because otherwise you get a lot of designers who know print design but don't actually know how a web page works on a technical level. That gives you awkward (or flat out impossible to implement) designs that were made without any regards to how it actually works in a browser across various screen sizes and devices.

Sounds like you are describing pjax. Ya, that's the big idea with react, single page apps with the mental model of "render everything all at once", like we did with old school late 90s/early 2000s web apps.

Early 2000s I believe, late 90s - nope.

Oh, I didn't mean pjax was used in the late 90's if that's what you thought I meant. I meant that we did all rendering server side, because there was no xhr :-)

The framework you're subscribing sounds a little like Unpoly [1].

[1]: http://unpoly.com/

Intercoolerjs is another framework that does similar things

I like this approach, but what I don't like is that both of those require jQuery.

Good job Smudge. I found a similar technique quite helpful. The only difference is instead of asking the server for a partial I just download the entire HTML source and query it for the parts I need and inject those parts into the DOM. Super helpful for zippy photo galleries or infinite scroll.

I agree with this entirely.

The problem boils down to managers/designers hating default.

As an example, take form behaviors.

Default forms work. Built-in browser verification (for supported browsers) works. You can even have it match a regex! Built into the browser! Dropdowns in browsers? Those work too! So do radio buttons and checklists!

Instead, people are tasked to reinvent the wheel and create their own hacky dropdown lists because they want things sorted into groups (what is an <optgroup>?) and they want super precision over how the list ends up getting styled.

As a consumer: I absolutely hate this. I love browser defaults because I can expect all forms to just work. If I hit the letter "G" in a dropdown list I know how it will function! All of this knowledge is tossed to the side unless the reimplementation tries to remain faithful to the browser defaults.

I know some developers are guilty of wanting to make custom things too - but by far it is a problem with clients and management. I always have to fight against anything that would change default browser behaviors because the UX on such things is terrible 99% of the time or whatever implementation via JS is going to either take a large amount of time or be buggy as hell.

Some defaults are pretty damn ugly though, just missing or not consistent between browsers. For example the input type date or range to only name 2. The browsers errors on html5 validation are equally ugly imo.

You can still style them differently! I was focusing on functionality.

Your users are going to primarily be using a single browser (per device) and expect each device to be, at least, consistent with itself. This is an area I feel devs make the largest mistake: they want browsers to conform to one another. That means they'll break default functionality to get there! I'm of the opinion the browser should change. That allows users of the browser to adapt to the new default (because every site will then be consistent for the user!)

Functionality can differ between browsers [0] and your IE users will expect the numeric input field to function like it does in IE. Not like it does in Chrome/FF/Safari. Meanwhile, your Chrome/FF/Safari people will expect it to function how it does by default in their browsers. You shouldn't override or change this functionality because it breaks user expectations. Overriding IE because it is the "odd one out" will break expectations for users using IE!

It doesn't matter so much if the experience is different for each user so much as the experience is consistent for each user within their environment.

[0] https://css-tricks.com/numeric-inputs-a-comparison-of-browse...

Well you should be able to style them differently. Problem is, outside of basic text fields, textareas and buttons (which can be styled completely through standard CSS), many form elements like select menus, sliders, radio buttons, checkboxes and others can only be styled through browser specific prefixed code, ugly hacks and the not quite official and not quite obsolete appearance property.

If all these fields had nice clean ways to style them so they looked the same cross browser (even with different defaults and behaviour), then there would be less people using these giant scripts and frameworks.

> default forms work

No they don't, in my opinion. They're sensitive to XSRF attacks, a breach nicely kept open by browsers so you can embed a MailChimp form on your website and it gets posted to MailChimp. 90% times I program a form in Ajax is to use JSON content type, hence suppressing the cross-site risk. The other option is to put an encrypted token in your form, but I don't like keeping things in session.

> Dropdowns work

Aaaaaaand that's why design can ruin a feature. <select> work indeed excellently for 90% situations, but it repels your customer, more than using an unprotected ?clientId= in the URL. If browser used a Select2 design by default, I bet it would be used more often.

You brought up a perfect example of breaking default functionality for design! :)

Here is the very first thing I tried (and is how I fill out forms) to select my State from their examples.

Tab (to focus field) -> AA -> Tab

The default select field? Gives me Arizona as expected. The select2 drop down? Fails to give me anything. It doesn't expect "AA" it expects "Ar" and tab doesn't set the value, so even typing "AR->Tab" doesn't give Arizona, it expects "AR -> Return".

Minor - and very possibly worth the trade off for the search functionality. But I detest breaking defaults when possible, even if I disagree with a default personally.

Unless data can demonstrate that reducing the number of classes or IDs on a page has a positive impact on things like returning DAUs, sign up conversions, etc, I'd argue these might be the wrong things to optimise. If adding another font to your site gets another 1% of users to buy something, you should add the font. Equally thought, if removing one gets 1% more sales, you should remove one. That's what counts, and it won't be the same for every site.

Use data, not rules.

It's funny how they say CSS should be optimized, while they use 6 different JS files for particle animation (one for each site + header, the only difference being canvas size, particle count and color)

Why do some of these sites have font families numbering in the double digits?!

Design by committee, legacy UI pattern support, browser support and accessibility fallbacks, excess frameworks, and do on... Designers on big projects share a lot of the same challenges with programmers.

Edit: I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying I understand.


Bad designers.

And there, I thought for a moment, my 38 KB CSS file is a mess and way too big. I guess, this puts it into perspective.

"The problem... I should never say 'problem'... the opportunity we face is that one year's bloated web page becomes next year's normal, and then after that it becomes an example of parsimonious and elegant web design." - Maciej Ceglowski

There's nothing at all wrong with thinking your file is getting a little out of hand even when there are examples of wanton recklessness all around you. That's as true even when there's nothing more you can do to make it smaller. I wish there were more people who had a sort of knee-jerk Hayes Smartmodem kind of reaction to everything they do that doesn't involve things like video and such. There's nothing quite like a page that's loaded and ready to rock about the same time the "I've clicked something" haptic feedback makes it to my brain.

I really like your response. I feel out of place on the front end because I'm a minimalist and I tend to keep things very clean and simple. A lot of the time it feels like I'm doing everything wrong.

Just because you're not doing it like everyone else, doesn't mean you're doing it wrong.

My blog's CSS is 100k. Take out the three embedded base64 webfonts, and it's 6k.

My blog's 2.4kb. It's way too big (and my blog sucks on mobile). I've been rethinking about how I can redesign my blog to be as close to http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/ as possible.

965 bytes for mine. I should (but didn't, will tonight) minify the CSS, which will bring it down to 650 bytes. My site is very much in line with BMFW and IMO it looks pretty nice. But it's also very, very basic.

There are very few things that I would style for a text-based website:

1) The h1, h2, p, strong, and a elements. Font-family, font-size, color, a:hover, and line height attributes only.

2) Create a container (eg: max-width 44em, margin: 0-auto, width: 100%) to wrap everything in.

From there the "heaviest" parts of the blog would be navigation and how accessible you want a complete archive list to be or if Previous/Next links would be suffice.


800px -> 44em, see response below.

Unless you have some specific reason to otherwise, please specify container widths using ems instead of pixels.

That keeps things easy to read for users that want to override the font sizes. 40-60 is a good range.

Yes! You're completely right and I've argued something similar against sites that like to set 62.5% font size on body. Thank you for calling out my poor example! I'll update it if it lets me.

For those who don't yet know why this is a big deal, I made a Codepen to illustrate why: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/eZwxam

Change the font size from 18px to 12px and then to 24px to simulate users with varying default font sizes set in their browser. Note how the containers change. While it will vary from person to person, a fixed 800px width of a container with 12px font size is far too wide for my taste and far too narrow for 24px. While I find 44em is better for both.

Note: I do not suggest ever changing the font size of body but it makes the example easy to use.

Do you know a tool that turns Google webfonts into base64 for direct embedding?

> embedded base64


Shadow DOM and it's scoped styling is going to help this situation so much.

Instead of large stylesheets with tons of highly-specific selectors, and quite a few broken and unused rules, web components will be able to use small stylesheets with simple selectors that only apply to their local scope, and developers will be able to reason about and maintain styles that are limited to a single web component.

I dream of a day when you can have CSS loaded that has no dead weight. If one page doesn't have an accordion, there's no point in it loading the accordion CSS. Foundation slimmed down their base CSS files because it had so much dead weight from 5 to 6; but I wish there were some way (and I have seen some projects on GitHub) that I could load a page and it only would load the CSS needed for that page, but would still cache the common assets.

Isn't this basically using a default 'main' CSS file and a bunch of small extra ones loaded on a per page basis? You can do that pretty much simply with most CMSes out there, or through rudimentary scripting. Though being able to do that with a single CSS file would be nice to see...

What problem would that solve?

Your server serving up tons of code that is not being used at all?

That would assume the user is only going to view one page. If they look at several pages then it'd be better to have sent all the CSS necessary in the first request and have their browser cache it.

If you only send the styles necessary for the page they're looking at then you lose all the benefits of caching. That's a far bigger problem than sending a bunch of unused code.

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the feedback and it has been insane. 3 big sites have accepted the challenge to purge their css. Css is just a small part of the bigger picture. Lots more topics to discuss, but i just focus on CSS.

I've dealt with a large site working with 4 developers. I have failed a adapting a big site to be lean on their CSS, hence looking at different ways of doing your styling.

I think they could spare a few more characters to set their body background-color. I have a custom dark gray color set in my Firefox CSS so the new tab page doesn't flash white when I open it at night, and the site shows that dark gray, making their tables and text pretty hard to read.

Ummm... Default or die: 15 tools?

I thought I was just making a website here: you know HTML, CSS, and a dash of Javascript.

...Guess not.

This site is pretty CPU heavy for something reminding us to respect our users' resources...

This site crashes Firefox mobile after being open for a few minutes... Sad...

I was thinking maybe it was just you. I tabbed back to the web site, Firefox desktop immediately began to crash.

I see many articles warning not to deeply nest selectors in sass. Doesn't gzipping your resources mitigate that problem?

File size is a moot point with regards to long selectors - they are just a bad idea. [1][2] I am a fan of BEM to keep things sane. [3]

[1] http://csswizardry.com/2012/05/keep-your-css-selectors-short... [2] https://benfrain.com/css-performance-revisited-selectors-blo... [3] http://getbem.com/

Nesting selectors ties the css to your markup. These styles are not reusable components, but one-offs for that particular snippet of html. Look how bad it can get: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/lms/static/s...

It's basically replicating the html nesting.

Brilliant analysis and presentation; Thank you;

Indeed it is. Brushing up on CSS here myself. Its amazing to see the different sites that use more CSS like Wikipedia.

Are you really sure you need to steer this conversation towards dispute? Because basically you're criticizing someone's experience of how they gracefully integrated ajax once upon a time. Like, in the past. I don't want people on HN to stop telling me what they did and how they handled situations, in the past, because they keep seeing that whenever someone like Smudge does that, someone like gkya really, really, urgently feel the need to tell them how they did it all wrong.

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11741624 and marked it off-topic.

Yeah, mea culpa, I accept that that was the correct place to detach it. Regardless of what I might have thought I was accomplishing, it was ultimately tangental, personal, of no value to those who simply wanted to read the thread, and started by myself rather than the other party. I will think twice before kibitzing on a thread like that in the future.

> I don't want people on HN to stop telling me what they did ... because ... whenever ... Smudge does that, someone like gkya really, really, urgently feel the need to tell them how they did it all wrong.

i.e. they discuss, on a discussion forum?

> ... you're criticizing someone's experience of how they gracefully integrated ajax once upon a time. Like, in the past.

Yes, what's the problem with that?

He, as a developer, poses a way to do something, and I refute it as a person on the other side of the wire, i.e. the user/hacker. Where else than Hacker News is more apt for this sort of discussion?

My tone, previously, was not entirely useful, so firstly my apologies for that, I could have said the same thing in a less aggrieved way.

As to your questions, well, I'd like you to consider my words in the context of the distinction between discussion, debate, and dispute.

I believe I already adequately addressed what the "problem with that" was, but I'll reiterate it more clearly.

Smudge was telling a story about a solution that he applied to a problem he was facing at one time, what the benefits and drawbacks of it were, and how it eventually led him to have respect for the value of React. He was sharing history. It was interesting. It would be interesting to discuss it if one had questions about the technical aspects of the thing he had done in the past, which he had shared with the audience in this forum, or rejected a similar solution at that time for reason one cared to describe.

Smudge was not introducing or participating in a debate. He did not state a proposal. He did not invite a counter-proposal. He did not advocate anything. There is no debating that he did this thing. There is no debating that he did it for the reasons that he described. There is no debating that he came to the conclusions as a consequence of this experience that he shared with us. The statements that you have made seem to show a pattern of inattention to what is actually being said. You are not debating with anyone. Smudge did not intend to invite a debate, and he should not have had any reason to think differently. Instead, your behaviour is obnoxious, self-involved, and anti-social, because it would tend to discourage people who did not want to engage in debates with you from sharing history with the audience of the forum.

What you were pursuing changed from debate to dispute. Firstly, rather than rebut points that had been made in the context in which they arose, you pursued disagreement beyond the bounds of the actual context of the matter under discussion. To give an example, whether or not "browsers are very smart these days" is not material to a discussion of how one developer implemented ajax updates with graceful degradation once upon a time when browsers were not very smart. You were not debating with Smudge, most basically because Smudge did not want or try to have a debate with you. You were not debating with Smudge because your statements were of little value in the context of what the topic of a debate would have been --- which would be something akin to 'decisions web developers made when faced with web developer problems [once upon a time]' --- and, by themselves, suggested that you were actually unfamiliar with this topic. Your words suggested a desire to turn a discussion into a dispute about a topic that Smudge was not discussing, and which was so tangentially related to the actual topic at hand that I would have found your need to dump your opinions upon this person as argumentation offensive even had you not stretched them to the ridiculous conclusion that front-end web development was a rent-seeking activity.

To add the final part to what I had said before: behaving like this will discourage people from sharing their opinions and experiences. Just because someone said something, it does not mean that they or anyone else cares that you have opinions about a related topic or that that person is inviting you to criticize them. Wait until the lines of an actual debate have actually formed before you attempt to engage in a debate with someone, and never, never crash someone's thread in order to insist that they must debate you regarding a topic you yourself have brought to the table.

Extending the reply to your last statements: firstly, no, Smudge did not propose a way to do something. You misread what he wrote. My apologies for the bewilderment that my response must cause you if you genuinely, rather than wilfully, misread what he wrote. However, he did not invite a debate, and your behaviour was not appropriate. If you thought that it was, it would serve you well to learn why it was not. Secondly, you did not 'refute' what he said. Your statements bore no relation to a refutation. "Everyone should use the latest web browser" is no more a solution to a problem than "Everyone should eat cake". Telling a person that they should use the 'default widgets' rather than write a very thin javascript library because you don't like too much javascript is confusing. What 'default widgets'? What do you mean by that... jQuery widgets? HTML does not come with 'default widgets'. Yes a lot of websites are clogged with useless shit, and yes you have a perfect right to not like this. But you can't 'refute' the decisions that a web developer makes "from the other side of the wire", and this is true of anything else or any other similar situation. You can't 'refute' a judicial decision on the basis of your own interpretation of written law. You have to learn about actual law first. You have to come to his side of the wire first. You could certainly refute mis-statement of fact, if you knew it to be incorrect, but you cannot refute a decision without understanding the context in which it was made.

If there's one thing that's off-topic in this whole thread for this submission, that is this comment you posted, which is longer than the 4-comment thread that started with my initial reply to Smudge and you didn't like. You call me obnoxious, self-involved and anti-social, offending me personally. And you procede to tell me what I can or can not do, and guessing my thoughts and mindset, and deciding for other people what would discourage them from posting online. I will not respond to any other comment you may make, as you seem to be a self-proclaimed judge of online correspondence, which is not all that sane.

It's best to flag off-topic comments. Especially ones that make the conversation personal.

The flag link is a sassy little thing, it sometimes shows up and sometimes doesn't. In this case it didn't.

It doesn't show up on direct replies to oneself. Same with downvote arrow. In such cases the system automatically recuses you and you have to rely on your fellow users to correct misbehavior, or in egregious cases email hn@ycombinator.com so we can look into it.

h1 { color: #333; } is only 20 bytes

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