I have no tattoos, and doubt I will, so this isn't about my self image. I downvoted you for being a dick.
And also for not really thinking this through. When a medium doesn't allow for iteration, people tend to a) make obvious choices, b) make conservative choices, and c) end up with regrets. As our ability to iterate in software has improved, we've ended up with more interesting work.
My bet is that we will see more total tattooings but fewer tattoo-years of flesh, so I think there will be a net decrease in seeing boring and/or shitty tattoos. I think the ones that people renew and/or make permanent will actually be better because they'll be more likely to get their dumb and/or exploratory tattoos done with temporary ink that they'll eventually let fade.
You didn't like my ideas. You downvoted because you disagreed. I don't play like that, but that's how it works around here, fine. But the fact that you feel welcome to call a stranger you've never met a dick, and then attempt to engage in civil discourse with him, says more about you than it does about me. Pick one or the other next time.
When disagreeing, please reply to the argument instead of calling names
Most people learn this as children, but since you didn't, stick to the guidelines around here.
They've more recently renamed it "don't be a jerk", so if your delicate sensibilities can't handle my original comment, feel free to read it as "jerk".
In particular, you took something that a lot of people like and were shitty about it. You set yourself up as lord-high judge of them and their self expression. The people you were being condescending toward surely include people here.
Then, rather than just accepting the downvotes, you accused downvoters of working from offense to their "tattooed rebellious self-image", assuming bad faith and again acting superior.
I'm happy to call that being a dick.
As long as you're being a stickler for following the guidelines, perhaps read on down to "Please resist commenting about being downvoted. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading."
Grow up, man. It's unbelievable you'd spend your time arguing that "don't be a dick" isn't name-calling. This is third-grade material. Imagine what the teacher would say to a student making this argument... and apply it to yourself.
Maybe take a step back. Someone expressed an opinion you didn't like, but one that didn't attack anyone personally. You proceeded to immediately call that person a dick -- oh, sorry, you said he's being a dick, because that's a distinction that's meaningful in this world...
You seem like a smart guy, so I bet you'd agree that dissenting opinions are something we want around here. They make this place better. Truly out-of-line comments are handled with the downvote system (and I note, mine apparently wasn't widely perceived to be out of line, judging by the votes.. it was just controversial). Now, would you say saying people are being dicks also makes this place better? You can do better than that.
Your comments have been breaking the HN guidelines in quite a few ways. Please stop posting personal attacks, going on about downvoting, being snarkily dismissive, and posting comments with no substance in them.
Yes, calling you the d-word was also against the "please don't call names" rule (at least arguably).
I like that you devote 3 paragraphs to my choice of 1 word, even though I already offered another, without ever touching on my point: your bad behavior. You are definitely a reasonable interlocutor whose opinions I take seriously.
And also for not really thinking this through. When a medium doesn't allow for iteration, people tend to a) make obvious choices, b) make conservative choices, and c) end up with regrets. As our ability to iterate in software has improved, we've ended up with more interesting work.
My bet is that we will see more total tattooings but fewer tattoo-years of flesh, so I think there will be a net decrease in seeing boring and/or shitty tattoos. I think the ones that people renew and/or make permanent will actually be better because they'll be more likely to get their dumb and/or exploratory tattoos done with temporary ink that they'll eventually let fade.