> You do realize that they are serving a cause much greater than you or I, and certainly Twitter, for that matter?
I really want to believe that. I think it would be a better world if I could believe that. But we've seen pretty conclusively that the goals of intelligence agencies don't always line up with the best interests of the citizens they purportedly serve.
So there's a line that has to be walked. How can we give them enough power to defend us, but not enough power to hurt us? We can't; we can only make trade-offs and hope they're the right ones.
This would be so much easier if the people tasked to defend us could be trusted. But they've shown, conclusively, that they can't.
I really want to believe that. I think it would be a better world if I could believe that. But we've seen pretty conclusively that the goals of intelligence agencies don't always line up with the best interests of the citizens they purportedly serve.
So there's a line that has to be walked. How can we give them enough power to defend us, but not enough power to hurt us? We can't; we can only make trade-offs and hope they're the right ones.
This would be so much easier if the people tasked to defend us could be trusted. But they've shown, conclusively, that they can't.