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I'm sorry, but that's a douchebag move if you don't warn Andrew ahead of time.

Warn Andrew ahead of time? You've got be joking. Why doesn't Andrew pay a fee to those he's interviewed already now, in this bait and switch interwebz journalism

You're relying your argument on an assumption. Fail.

LOL^^^^^ This is another account created one hour ago.

...here's an account created minutes ago, and pg can check this IP to see if it's from Argentina.

The HN lynch mob is pathetic.

Its not hard to spoof an i.p. address, heck posting from one of the easy to use myspace proxy websites will give you the effect of a USA i.p. address.

Information should always be free to the community and Mixergy should concentrate on monetization with different ways rather than subscription model....

Information should always be free to the community

Bullshit. Information is power.

Mixergy should concentrate on monetization with different ways rather than subscription model


"Information should always be free"


The provider of that information should be able to charge what he wants. It's capitalism.

Actually the market will force him to do something. that's capitalism. You don't just charge whatever you want without regards to market forces.

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