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After reading the first few bits in the "beginner" section, this reminds me of my experience with "Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go" by Kageyama Toshiro 7p [0] (Go the game). It's a terrific book where he stresses the fundamentals even if you feel like you're above it. I read the book cover-to-cover many times at different stages of my life as a go player, each time learning something new.

The book starts on ladders, a pretty basic concept that I teach to beginners within 15 minutes or so of learning the rules. [1]

  Still on ladders?  Ridiculous!  Even looking at this page is beneath me.

  Yes, but even if you feel you are being cheated, read on a little further.
  Don't forget the fundamentals.  Our study begins with ladders.
[0]: http://www.gobooks.info/g28.html

[1]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?Ladders

What a good book that is! I am reading Kageyama for the third time now, always coming away just a bit stronger.

What's "don'"?

It's a long line of text. HN puts monospace text in a fixed-width container, so you need to scroll right inside the box to see the rest of it.

Ugh. It's like Slashdot with its interface where you need to hover. How do do you hover on a mobile? I don't visit Slashdot much any more, because most of my surfing is on mobile. And I won't be scrolling little windows of monospaced text left and right, left and right, over and over, any time soon.

There's a horizontal scroll bar :)

I'm not sure how to format a block quote without it.

Edit: Well, just added newlines. Seems to look ok.

Don't use leading spaces, just use >

Or do use leading spaces, but insert line breaks. Remember that people on mobile have very short screens.

Scrollbars are invisible in my mobile browser until I scroll the box. It just looks like a badly-formatted quote. Something to keep in mind if you're a ddveloper.

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