Neat. An ad hoc alternative to this if you have Python 2.7 handy and can't or don't want to compile C code could be something like
$ python -c 'import json, sys;\
kv = sys.argv[1::];\
v = [int(x) if x.isdigit() else eval(x.title()) if x in ["false", "true"]\
else x for x in kv[1::2]];\
print json.dumps(dict(zip(kv[::2], v)), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
' key1 value1 key2 'string value 2' number 5589 boolean1 true boolean2 false
I, for one, am excited to hear that native JSON (and XML, and HTML) output is coming to FreeBSD's userland courtesy of libxo (see I hope GNU Core Utilities eventually go the same way or a full-featured alternative appears for Linux that does.
Very nice. This looks like a great complement to `jt` ( - a tool to turn JSON into plain text tables. Both seem to be super simple tools written in C with no heavy dependencies.
However... I do wish the name was `json` not `jo`. In my case more for personal reasons regarding painful memories attached to the name 'Jo', but I also think the tool creates JSON, so why not call it `json` or `jp` short for 'json print' ... but the matter appears settled. Oh well.
Yes I can always do this sort of thing. But it would be nice to not 'maintain the illusion' when the future day comes that I've got `jo` installed on my various desktops and laptops, inside containers, on snowflake servers, on cattle servers, used by a growing collection of shell scripts written for various versions of sh and bash, etc...
All these smart small tools are amazing, but they suppose the user has only one computer and does everything on it. so he can just install once and that's it.
I normally use 4 different desktops and 2 VPSs weekly. Although I tend to do most of the work in one of the VPSs, the more I customize it with tools like this, the more all the other computers will miss things.
Late to the party but yes. The idea behind ansible seems to be (I'm new to using it) that you can run the command a million times over a million machines and it'll only install new things to the machines that don't already have it
Because the shell substitutes the return code before passing to jo, jo sees 'success@1'. How do you expect jo to know where the 1 came from to change its interpretation?
Edit: or you're saying jo should always consider 0 true and 1 false to match shell return code conventions?
> It was merely an observation... jo looked as though it was for use in the shell though, so I was curious as to the design decision here.
I think it makes sense how it is, since if I typed "success@1" I wouldn't expect that to output "{success: false}" but I definitely appreciate your point about a case like "success@$?".
> Of course, one can simply negate the value before passing it to jo.