>Sharp is dull and has been for years, and all the money in the world won't resurrect this corpse.
It's a shame, they've made some really high quality and neat stuff over the years. Anyone remember their Transmeta processor laptops? MM-10, etc. I had one, it was thinner and lighter than the MacBook Air IIRC, and predated it by years. It also had a neat little charging dock that let you access the HDD as a USBHDD. Problem is, I can't see them building a product that competes with Apple, biting the hand that feeds them so to speak. Sharp make amazingly good LCD screens, but that's less important now (quality is less of a distinguishing factor) then it was when they were first doing it.
It's a shame, they've made some really high quality and neat stuff over the years. Anyone remember their Transmeta processor laptops? MM-10, etc. I had one, it was thinner and lighter than the MacBook Air IIRC, and predated it by years. It also had a neat little charging dock that let you access the HDD as a USBHDD. Problem is, I can't see them building a product that competes with Apple, biting the hand that feeds them so to speak. Sharp make amazingly good LCD screens, but that's less important now (quality is less of a distinguishing factor) then it was when they were first doing it.