The Delhi High Court has granted an exparte injunction against ordering them to stop business and ordering the seizing of their machines and storage after justdial filed a case against them. From what I understand from googling[1], an ex parte injunction is a court order granted after hearing only one party in matters of great urgency, without notice to the defendant or other parties.
This doesn't bode well for the start up climate in India. Soesn't this mean that any established company could sue me and my machines would be seized pending the results of the case.
Yes, ex parte anything means the judge(s) only listened to one side of a dispute, and as one of the Just Dial people noted, they're rare. For this sort of case, unheard of in the US.
It does sound very bad, especially given that Indian courts aren't noted for speed.
You may want to be weary of those co-workers of yours. People who think they can get away with anything because they have "connections" are corrupt themselves.
This doesn't bode well for the start up climate in India. Soesn't this mean that any established company could sue me and my machines would be seized pending the results of the case.