Listening is a valuable life skill - any tips explaining how to do this most effectively would be appreciated!
One thing I have found helpful is to repeat what was said to verify correct understanding, but this can easily be misinterpreted as insincere if done too often.
For myself, I observe what shows up in my emotions and body. No judgment of myself and those feelings. Just observing. Allowing those physical and emotional states to just be without acting on them is very helpful to being able to be present with and listen to others. Holidays with family can offer excellent opportunities for practicing.
For me, I decided long ago to slow down, and not feel on edge while I wait for someone to finish so that we can get to the part where I get to talk, and not interrupt so that I can show that I know the answer or disagree before a sentence has been finished. I find that I listen better. YMMV.
One thing I have found helpful is to repeat what was said to verify correct understanding, but this can easily be misinterpreted as insincere if done too often.