> When I was watching that whole thing play out just like a live sporting event, I was refreshing the profile page of the CEO in question, and his karma points seemed to be dropping like some kind of flash crash in the NASDAQ.
Now you gave me an idea for a HN extension - tracking of karma points of selected users (via HN API) and displaying a sparkline next to their name in comments. Also a split-screen mode like this:
| ^ Tell HN: Something important | Score: flamebait |
| 256 points by flamebait ... | |
| | -- |
| | -- /- \--- /--o|
| | / \--/ \/ |
| ^ SomeHNer 5 minutes ago |--/ |
| Something something something +------------------------+
| | Score: SomeOtherHNer |
| ^ SomeOtherHNer 1 minute ago | /--- |
| HN turns into Reddit. |-/ \ --- |
| | --- |
| | \------\ |
| ^ LoremIpsum 1 hour ago | -o|
| Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet +------------------------+
| start-up cloud computing | Ticker |
| Docker Google IoT big data | |
| Uber for Kitten Litter | - comment nuked 5s ago |
| | - comment nuked 2m ago |
| .... | - new comment 5m ago |
Now you can read enjoy HN discussions like sports events!
Emacs and Artist Mode. It definitely took less time for me to make the graphic than for you to write your post - so it's me who want to thank you for sharing some insights and sneaking in a cute idea I could draw ;).
Now you gave me an idea for a HN extension - tracking of karma points of selected users (via HN API) and displaying a sparkline next to their name in comments. Also a split-screen mode like this:
Now you can read enjoy HN discussions like sports events!