More expensive than some others out there but the quality of other commercial Bootstrap themes tends to be pretty low:
- Many themes out there are never updated. I remember some $15-ish Bootstrap themes for 3.1 that were never updated for 3.2, etc
- Many Bootstrap themes out there are non-semantic div hell. Headers wrapped in <div> tags with a class of "header" instead of simply using h1/h2/h3/etc tags. That kind of thing. Often because they were simple ports of themes from other frameworks. Bootstrap isn't always the most semantic thing in the world... but some of the Bootstrap themes you can buy out there are sheer crap.
If these official Bootstrap themes can excel on those two points, they're a bargain.
We keep Bootstrap funded and available for everyone. To
date, we have never taken money from investors and have
no corporate sponsorships. All our expenses are paid for
by us through ad revenue on our docs.
Pretty good reason to throw them $99 right there, if Bootstrap has saved you $99 of time over the years.
- Many themes out there are never updated. I remember some $15-ish Bootstrap themes for 3.1 that were never updated for 3.2, etc
- Many Bootstrap themes out there are non-semantic div hell. Headers wrapped in <div> tags with a class of "header" instead of simply using h1/h2/h3/etc tags. That kind of thing. Often because they were simple ports of themes from other frameworks. Bootstrap isn't always the most semantic thing in the world... but some of the Bootstrap themes you can buy out there are sheer crap.
If these official Bootstrap themes can excel on those two points, they're a bargain.
Also, from their About page at
Pretty good reason to throw them $99 right there, if Bootstrap has saved you $99 of time over the years.