| | How the New York Times Used Haskell for Fashion Week (mozillaopennews.org) |
7 points by esmooov on Sept 17, 2013 | past
| | ProPublica's Jeff Larson on the NSA Crypto Story (mozillaopennews.org) |
11 points by r0h1n on Sept 7, 2013 | past
| | Tracking cicadas with crowdsourced data collection via Arduinos (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by danso on Sept 5, 2013 | past
| | Mapping Made Simple (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by chrisdinn on Aug 29, 2013 | past
| | Visual Literacy in an Age of Data (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by caseypt on June 13, 2013 | past
| | Design principles for news apps (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by Peteris on May 31, 2013 | past
| | Meet Tarbell (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by friism on May 28, 2013 | past
| | How Snow Fall was Made (mozillaopennews.org) |
4 points by js2 on May 21, 2013 | past
| | Strongbox Reactions, Part II (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by kmfrk on May 21, 2013 | past
| | The New Yorker Launches Strongbox - An OpenNews project (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by robdoherty2 on May 17, 2013 | past
| | Winning the Data Olympics - NYT Jacqui on wrangling complex data in realtime (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by ChrisArchitect on April 25, 2013 | past
| | Freeing the Plum Book (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by _pius on April 16, 2013 | past
| | Introducing Tabula, a human-friendly PDF-to-CSV data extractor (mozillaopennews.org) |
137 points by mtigas on April 3, 2013 | past | 18 comments
| | How the Data Sausage Gets Made (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by danso on April 2, 2013 | past
| | Public info doesn't always want to be free (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by danso on March 15, 2013 | past
| | Welcome to OpenNews Learning on Source (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by tswicegood on March 11, 2013 | past
| | Sane Data Updates Are Harder than You Think (mozillaopennews.org) |
3 points by craigkerstiens on March 11, 2013 | past
| | Open Source Projects created by the Times, NPR, Washington Post, and others (mozillaopennews.org) |
3 points by breck on March 6, 2013 | past
| | Fast hacks: GameDay Live, a second-screen experiment in about 14 hours (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by ivarvong on Jan 7, 2013 | past
| | How the New York Times Team made Snow Fall (mozillaopennews.org) |
3 points by petercooper on Jan 2, 2013 | past
| | The New York Times' Election Results Loader; How it was made (mozillaopennews.org) |
2 points by danso on Nov 30, 2012 | past
| | The NYT's Visual Election Outcome Explorer - How we made the D3 decision tree (mozillaopennews.org) |
114 points by NelsonMinar on Nov 5, 2012 | past | 14 comments
| | Open News launches Source, an index of open journalism code (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by rchiniquy on Oct 16, 2012 | past
| | Hack the news at the Boston Globe, BBC, Al Jazeera (mozillaopennews.org) |
1 point by vjohnson on April 9, 2012 | past
| | Transform News: Apply to be a 2012/13 Knight-Mozilla Fellow (mozillaopennews.org) |
6 points by tysone on April 9, 2012 | past | 1 comment
| | Building an ecosystem for open web development in journalism (mozillaopennews.org) |
11 points by knowtheory on Feb 7, 2012 | past