| | Oscar Halo: Academy Awards and the Matthew Effect (anand.typepad.com) |
8 points by mavelikara on Feb 22, 2009 | past | 2 comments
| | For Startups, Survival is not a Strategy (anand.typepad.com) |
7 points by sharksandwich on Nov 22, 2008 | past
| | Google Chrome: A Masterstroke or a Blunder? (anand.typepad.com) |
10 points by etal on Sept 8, 2008 | past | 3 comments
| | Bridging the Gap between Relational Databases and MapReduce (anand.typepad.com) |
5 points by neilc on Sept 6, 2008 | past
| | Stop Email Overload and Break Silos Using Wikis, Blogs, and IM (anand.typepad.com) |
7 points by pbnaidu on July 22, 2008 | past
| | Why Google Doesn't Provide Earnings Forecasts (anand.typepad.com) |
5 points by nickb on July 17, 2008 | past
| | The Real Long Tail: Why both Chris Anderson and Anita Elberse are Wrong (anand.typepad.com) |
18 points by Anon84 on July 10, 2008 | past
| | Searching for a Needle or Exploring the Haystack? (anand.typepad.com) |
13 points by Anon84 on June 27, 2008 | past
| | Change the algorithm, not the dataset. (anand.typepad.com) |
1 point by ideas101 on June 15, 2008 | past
| | India's SMS GupShup Has 3x The Usage Of Twitter And No Downtime (anand.typepad.com) |
54 points by pbnaidu on June 15, 2008 | past | 41 comments
| | How Google Measures Search Quality (anand.typepad.com) |
15 points by paulsb on June 11, 2008 | past | 3 comments
| | Angel, VC, or Bootstrap? (anand.typepad.com) |
17 points by sharksandwich on June 9, 2008 | past | 2 comments
| | Are Human Experts Less Prone to Catastrophic Errors than Machine-Learned Models? (anand.typepad.com) |
25 points by breily on May 25, 2008 | past | 12 comments
| | Why the World Needs a New Database System (anand.typepad.com) |
22 points by pbnaidu on May 23, 2008 | past | 5 comments
| | Data, Algorithms, and Powerset (anand.typepad.com) |
11 points by breily on May 13, 2008 | past
| | Removing Friction at the Bottom of the Pyramid (anand.typepad.com) |
8 points by neilc on May 10, 2008 | past
| | Why Yahoo Glue is a Bigger Deal than You Think (anand.typepad.com) |
14 points by toffer on May 10, 2008 | past | 5 comments
| | Is Search Advertising a Giffen Good? (anand.typepad.com) |
8 points by breily on May 1, 2008 | past | 4 comments
| | Network effects propel cloud computing (anand.typepad.com) |
5 points by breily on April 23, 2008 | past | 1 comment
| | Can SMS be a publishing medium? (anand.typepad.com) |
1 point by prakash on April 19, 2008 | past
| | More data beats better algorithm at predicting Google earnings (anand.typepad.com) |
13 points by neilc on April 18, 2008 | past | 10 comments
| | The story behind Google's crawler upgrade (anand.typepad.com) |
12 points by neilc on April 13, 2008 | past | 1 comment
| | Affinity and Herding Determine the Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising (anand.typepad.com) |
3 points by nickb on April 6, 2008 | past
| | More data usually beats better algorithms: part 2 (anand.typepad.com) |
22 points by neilc on April 3, 2008 | past
| | More data usually beats better algorithms (anand.typepad.com) |
64 points by toffer on March 31, 2008 | past | 15 comments