I don't like being used to make people money. That part of it sucks. Programming is great, the fact that you are making things is incredibly challenging and fulfilling. Being viewed as a boy genius instead of a human being is the trade-off. I feel like this industry has forced me to become more anti-social. Always on the lookout for the next snake trying to steal your work or use you for their next big promotion.
Lol, yeah.. Nothing makes me feel more secure than an operating system that ships with a built in keylogger and cannot be disabled. I'm afraid to even use the internet on my windows 10 system, I only have it for games. Get with the program Microsoft, people want an OS they can trust, I feel like the last time I trusted a Microsoft OS was XP.
I think this article is driven by OPs resistance to change. Who cares if the app is driven by 1 page or 100? IMO most users care about the same things. (Which SPA can provide.)
"You shouldn't carry on a prize but you should merit it" is what my grandmother used to say. I think this holds true with abilities as well. You've worked hard to be where you are, so be proud, but remember what humility feels like. When I hear myself getting a little bit arrogant, I like to think of JP from Grandma's Boy, a shining example of what not be.
"Best practice" is losing to "I needed it yesterday." Technical architects need to get better at not buckling to business pressures and business folks need to read this document or stop trying to influence/dictate technical decisions. IMO Developers and business users alike are chasing the perception of success rather than constant critique/improvement which is why so much of this stuff is hiding behind the scenes.