For me, repeatability and ease of management - I used to be really demotivated by having to start from scratch with a Raspbian install whenever I built a project but all the prebuilt base images for different languages/OS and configuration as code due to Docker make the Pi so much nicer to use for stuff like this.
I think you can be honest without badmouthing anyone necessarily: "startup went bankrupt due to reasons beyond my control".
As for letting your startup founders know why you're leaving - it really depends on your relationship with them but i would got for a professional - "i'd like to expole other opportunities and i wish you all the very best!"
"startup went bankrupt due to reasons beyond my control"
Unless they had a position in the C suite, that can probably be shortened to "Company went bankrupt" with zero further explanation volunteered. Though it helps to think things through ahead of time and figure out how to address any questions that may come up.
The most PC thing to say would be along the lines of "Starting a new business is always a gamble and lots of new businesses simply don't succeed."
I'm asking this here because I don't really know where else to do so: I'm trying to compile a binary from a js source that uses the standard modules (they are loaded by default if you run the interpreter) so the following works:
This sounds pretty cool but tbh, if I'm willing to try out a beta product with all my images (and the risk of losing them due to some bug or any other risk) and provide feedback, I'd like to have a bigger carrot than just using the product for free in beta only :)
Fair enough. I've suffered from so many bugs in commercial software that I made some design decisions at the beginning of the project, in an effort to avoid more egregious faults.
Professionally, I'm really lucky as I am working in R&D at a university hospital and I have a couple of cool projects going:
- The current medical application used in our hospital does not have a way to track if a case is a re-admission or not. This information is very important in surgery and urology. The doctors are using an excel file to track this information at the moment and we are building an app so that this information gets put into a database and will also later be integrated into the main medical system.
- Currently, students in radiology do not get very many chances to actually look at images to practice so we are building a crowdsourcing platform for radiology images. This will also be useful for interviewing or general practice for professionals.
On the side, I've been working on - a workout tracking app that also has running and weight tracking built-in. I found all existing solutions too gimmicky and annoying - a workout tracker should be as flexible as possible and let you add your data and get out of your way...
Take a look at the example: Even though this example uses ZSH, it's just for exposition. It launches gitstatusd, writes a request to its stdin, reads the request from stdout and prints it. You can discern from it the format it uses for requests and responses.