PowerSync (https://www.powersync.com/) is also a great alternative, and my preferred choice. SDK's available for React Native, Flutter, JS, Swift, Kotlin etc
I've heard about this one as well. I'm not sure why it seems to have less "hype" than Zero or ElectricSQL. I'm going to play with it this weekend. Thanks for sharing.
PGlite is coming — we have a new WASI build that is the basis for native mobile support. (It’s working in dev, but still needs some more polishing and bindings).
- the WASI build is targeting WASI snapshot preview 1, and so should work in any compatible runtime.
- for the web, currently we use Emscripten, but we are considering moving to a single WASI build there as well. We'll be writing our own JS WASI shim if we do. Having full control of the JS code will help to solve some of the problems we've faced with Emscripten.
- we are also exploring a route to native where we take the WASI build and decompile it back to C. This seems a little mad, but it makes it possible to compile (with any tool chain) a native binary with a very minimal WASI-like api that can be linked to from any app. It essentially end up a little like the SQLite amalgamated header file as a build route. It's very experimental, and we haven't committed to it yet, but it looks like it may work.
Dynamic linking on iOS is complex, and Android also brings some toolchain complexities. It would be possible to do a native build and link it, and that is a route we are also exploring, but a single C file that can be linked with any existing toolchain would simplify things for users.
It also allows us to implement a VFS layer underneath PGlite in a native mode. So things like the in-memory VFS, or a custom VFS, would be possible.
We have not committed to one route or the other yet.
Serverless Aurora is incredibly expensive for most workloads. I have yet to find a use case for any SaaS product that is used >4 hours a day. Since all my products span at least 3 time zones there is at least 12 hours of activity a day.
Did it work though? Did you achieve unlimited scaling? Because if so you should compare the price to the price of a team of great minds such as in this article, working for 2 years to get a solution.
I bet it still would be cheaper to pay people over Amazon, but I'm curious about the numbers
At my company, we were given an early talk on Limitless. Never once did the reps mention that it ran on Serverless. Dear lord, that's going to be a hard no from me. Unless they've dramatically changed pricing for Limitless as opposed to normal Serverless, that'll be through the roof.
I agree with this, although I wouldn't bother with the rationale. It's either you had an overall good experience or an overall bad experience. I'd add a third option called "favorite" or "star" which you could you only give out to 10 drivers/restaurants/places at a time to highlight really exceptional experiences.
I don't think it has been done yet due to the difficulty in syncing the data in there (manual entry sucks). I think companies like Forward (https://goforward.com/) offer this to their patients via their app.
I'm still working on https://pagespace.app/. The vision is Github but for books with built in subscription and sale incentives for an author to continuously update a book to make it a lifelong project.
The other idea I want to work on is longevity as a service, helping folks track health metrics that have been reliably shown to affect life expectancy. Things like hormones, cholesterol (apoB, lp(A)), inflammation...
Working on this over at pagespace.app, looking for cofounders if anyone is interested! Notion-like writing experience is the goal with the ability to sell via subscription or per unit.