Are you actually a bank? That’s a highly restricted term. To the point that non-banking subsidiaries of banks (like brokerages) use the word Banc to avoid the restrictions.
Early programming jobs were highly technical but seen as secretarial in nature by scientists/engineers focused on hardware and a “how hard could it be” attitude about programming.
I lived/worked in New York when financial service companies handed out car service vouchers to those who had to work late (and to everyone at any official event involving alcohol). That was equally weird and more wasteful.
As a retail customer, I love this device. Ritual Coffee uses one in their Valencia St store. It’s fast for both NFC and chip card purchases. The card slot for the chip reader is a little too low key. The NFC reader is very forgiving as to location.
Its origins are with TENEX and from there TOPS-20. TOPS-20 was ubiquitous in computer science departments in the early 80s when I worked at DEC.
The release of TENEX precedes the release of Unix by a year or so and the release of the first BSD by seven years. If you want the etymological roots for this, you would need to ask Dan Murphy or one of his contemporaries:
What about translation of rule subsets to other enforcement mechanisms? ACLs and rules for physical infrastructure like switches and routers being one possible target where embedding the agent itself may be impractical. I understand that SDN dominates the core infrastructure, but more traditional infrastructure is frequently in place closer to enterprise users. The point being defense in depth, rather than relying on physical infrastructure as a sole enforcement mechanism.
I used to work in a securities firm owned by a bank holding company in a role requiring being registered as a securities principal (legally responsible to supervise). It still took me several minutes to remember which regulations to look up.
Amazon doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of working around these regulations with the current administration. Trump hates Bezos. With a moderate Republican in power, they might be able to lobby their way to creating the precise loophole they needed (which would require legislation).