FWIW: the Care Credit Card is legit. Having one has been a boon to me a few times by helping me cover unexpected medical expenses with reasonable interest rates.
It’s not the managers that are pushing for return to office, they’re just the messengers for senior leadership who have spent millions buying real estate and want the return on investment.
I think there’s a bit of both. Ineffective middle management (which is most of it) has no place in a world where they cannot lord over their minions in an office setting. So builds an echo chamber between executives (with real estate investment) and middle management (the existence of whose very job requires them not to understand and promote remote work), at the expense of the actually productive.
> Improving people's ability to competitively argue for things they don't believe in seems a hilariously bad idea.
I disagree with this so very much.
High school debate was foundational for my adult ability to recognize that nuance exists. Arguing a position that you don’t personally believe in, and winning, is a massively useful tool in understanding that for the majority of topics there are reasonable, intelligent, and acceptable arguments for both sides.
This is a trait seeming missing from most other adults I interact with. Too many people accept blindly that there is a correct and incorrect position and no room in between.
Agreed...and honestly I didn't scroll any further. I saw, "No Javascript Required" and scrolled back to the top, went to the docs and looked at the example so I could see what this was like. Then I saw Javascript.
I just think that if you are saying so boldly that you don't need to use Javascript, then maybe your first example should be without Javascript?
FWIW I kind of feel like “no js” may be a pipe dream today. I see a lot of talk about it but very few sites actually do it; there just seems to be a lot of pressure to use the next big JS framework in the community.
Personally, I consider this switch to Chromium solidified Chrome and derivatives dominance - with Presto-based Opera there was always a choice. It's also a shame they didn't released the code of this engine.