It's neat to see someone taking the "first" (quotes because maybe there's been others) stab at this. This is sort of like this thing I've been thinking for a few years now that the way we use the internet is over and likely people will just raise collections of AIs from federated forks from people they trust and interact with collections of forkable agents. This would mean your kids can grow up with collections of agents that they take with them and you can inspect the data that the agents can give them before the child can interact with the agents. The way we've been doing social media is so toxic and over. Everyone is over it. Daily driving needs a profalactic. Not that a seasoned and consenting adult can't just raw dog the feed, but yeah... I like this concept and effort. I don't see it being the hub, because well... it's a hub. The big thing with trustable agents is you need to know everything about them and they can't live on servers you don't control. I hope someone else beats me to the real solution because I'm burnt out but I've got a good portion of an MVP nailed down. This concept doesn't work if I want to make it a megacorp I don't think. I think as it accelerates it's going to strip the megacorps for parts. I don't even think my MVP is important. I've been around the block long enough to know that waiting for someone else to get out what I'm looking for can be a forever wait but I think with how GPU/ASM to the edge is working out, this is an emergent normal form that's going to pop. The ways we can really just almost like right now today but really by Q3 I think the big stuff is going to splash and a lot of what we know is going to change because the everything connector just about done I guess.
Parent selected agents is an interesting idea. Hypothetically you could also ingest outside content if moderation/toxicity/etc/etc checkers approve it
I realized yesterday that gpt can fairly easily make fake geocities pages about anything. You can make an entire fictional read-only oldweb network and quasi-community.
Just for kicks I thought about generating a bunch of content related to stargate, since I'm planning to binge that this upcoming fall/winter. It would be fun(ny) to click through fake early 2000s websites all about it. I'll just have to ask it to behave like they're scifi nerds from usenet..
Hypothetically, I was going to object to this but then I realized I haven't quite proven it to the level that I'd give to kids. We are juuuust starting to get the inspection tools and I really just in the last couple months got my auth and network drive provisioning worked out where it could be a thing... but yeah. It's all bullshit until it isn't.
I really haven't put that idea out aside from to my partner I just realized. I'm glad you find it compelling. I think a thing that I like about it is that the same thing we want for children, inspection into it's contents and providence or training from scratch or amalgamating trusted models or agents, we're always going to want to know and have for ourselves too.
I think when I wrote this article fairly drunk and manic and was like "I should try" during the last US insurrection impeachment hearings... I dunno, scroll down to the bottom where I talk about choose your own adventure books if you want to skip my opening wanky prose. Eh, yeah. I think it's a fun tough read. I think the reason I got to the conclusion is directly related to why this is important for protection of everyone. But I think when I wrote that is when the model and interface pattern we need for that thing popped into my head and it grew. It's nice that it could easily be org-mode compatible. I'm pretty much there with my data, training, and meshvpn/mTLS cluster of clusters that is cool with talking to your cluster. But yeah, parents want the same things but they also wanna run whacky AIs and shit that can connect to the web. Keep the kids air gapped and build close networks of people to share tools with that you can audit. I think that's just "the pattern" that should emerge.
I don't claim to have invented it, but if it turns out I did I guess I'm gonna call them "Media Prophylactic Agents". I wanted to come up with something funny or an neat acronym, but I think that's just what they are called.
Yeah, Op is so off base here. I do think that George still gets astroturfed by Muskateers though. Possibly even Musk's paid for army, but I think they are still cool with each other. But people who wanna cuddle an Elon will just jump in and crap on George or Comma quick. He was for sure more than a bit manic when he debut Comma, but their tools work and they have been in quite a bit of use for a while and their new robot platform is pretty cool. I don't think self driving cars can really be solved in the US but whatever, I hear the Mercedes stuff is surprisingly good. I'm not a twitch guy buy I joined a stream he was doing one day where he was live coding SLAM. I've done a lot of work with slam and not only is he a very good programmer but while doing the work to an audience he was able to have a brief but compelling conversation with me about his strategy. If my girl knocks on the door to bring me coffee while I'm coding I lose my place.
He's not involved with Comma much anymore and he's 100% right that Nvidia hasn't won the race yet.
I worked at Nvidia on RAPIDS. From what I understand, they've gotten better but it's still a very traditional MS style company. CUDA is amazing and is something akin to x86 with it's ubiquity. It's the fastest and best to work with but is an albatross and it's being used to accelerate the development of it's replacements. I feel his pain with this AMD stuff. I bailed on them in 2018. They do not have the ability to ship real compute tooling.
Also the myriad of ways we can now bridge to the browser with WebGPU and WebASM and Vulkan.... and FPGAs and next year photonic computing is going to start trickling in and then it's going to become. a flood. I think there are two fabs in the US. I plan to ship some test designs to SkyWater in August. With the end of globalization, photonics are going to be where we move quick.
I like Geohot. I really enjoyed his punk ass spirit as a young guy and I think he's grown up to being a decent example of how to be a tech public figure. His soundcloud is dope. Not only does it have some good songs but a few of them are about valley inside baseball that has not ever been reported anywhere but his music.
In 2015 I met a radar engineer that had gotten out of the navy. I was working on some crappy twitch knockoff that never launched. He had a recruiter friend that wanted to find an engineer to help with training AI/ML models to predetermine terror threats from social media posts. They had already won some grants and stuff but they couldn't find anyone. I have no interest in building that but I was curious so I took the call and they were interesting people but I was like "what are you training this on and how do you prove anything?" and at that point the conversation was basically over.
They were for sure not the only people working on that. Even if they have a straight pipe from all the major providers or whatever this is just a BS tool of control like polygraphs. I was once the CTO for a legal deposition ipad app. One of the reasons I left was because the vendor they decided to switch to for transcription of video was offering this "micro-tremor analysis" that would detect probability that people were lying. To put in a legal deposition app. They did their magic with mono 28k audio files stripped from our HD videos. The attorneys and clients were SO excited. They didn't care if it was BS.
After I left it limped along for a while, but I think my leaving killed that idea and then later that project and I don't regret it.
I dunno. I'm a long time reddit user, but I'm done with it. It's really time to just dig into some self hosted shit with a reasonable ingress like Cloudfront or whatever works and just dump this crap. People still say "and my axe" on reddit. We don't need this siloed internet anymore. mTLS is SUPER easy to implement and in my opinion is the future of the internet. I've got some courseware as well as some simple VMs, containers, helm charts, juju charms and I've got a process for building custom distros with GPU support and clusters inside clusters that can federate with enterprise org level OIDC.
I'm a bit ahead of the curve I think? I don't know. All this talk about the big guys, we are at a tipping point. It's happening now. That's why they are trying to regulate AI IMO. They understand that we are moments away from being able to bridge all of our own resources in a way that isn't siloed.
We can host it all ourselves now. It's fine. The future is going to be weird... but really it's just getting the internet back that got hijacked from us 20ish years ago or whatever.
If you want to try yourself, since I can't recommend my gear because I have to finish the rest of the rollout, KubeSail doesn't get enough attention. Easy to set up on any computer you have laying around, but their gizmo is pretty cool too. I think their app store is neat and I could get my grandma hosting her own K8s cluster to the web with this tutorial.
Throw Netmaker or an mTLS implementation on top and now you can federate networks, share resources with labels, taints, or tolerations, manage volumes, yadda yadda.
I am sorry for your loss... but you know.... Scrape your subs and host them yourself. Heck, I'm so sick of reddit.... hummm. This could be a good tutorial demo. Mirror a subreddit with periodic syndication on a self hosted reddit clone that shows the old context and creates new with a few commands.
Sure there's still some problems, but it's a far site better than the blockchain web can pull off.
Also, don't try to do cluster to cluster communication with straight wireguard/tailscale. mTLS or Netmaker. They are very easy tools to mess with just with some docker containers too, no cluster needed.
I’ve been working on similar in a weird way. I’ve got it all working after a lot of years of thought and plodding at the code base. It has been an exercise in building something that is just for me. No deadlines, just do it right. I’m interested in this. It looks like my current gizmos can easily inreroperate with it.
Interesting. I hadn’t really thought of this as a product while working on it but we have built something similar. Yours looks nice! I’m very interested to test it out.
I think they are trying to get out of the market of being everybody's dev machine. There's probably some interesting stuff maybe coming for mac pro. I'd be really surprised if they refresh that line in the next 4 years. I think the headset with the watch and the new M series processor they are angling for a shift in how computing is done and they've taken it really slow to make sure they can roll something like that out without huge system shock. The Apple watch sucked for about as long as the iphone did. Let the heads come in and pay a preminum and make it flash enough that the people who won't buy one early won't get one and complain.
If they mess this up though, AR the way I've been thinking should have been here for a while now and in some circles is here, but the dream of that mass adoption is dead for 10 years IMO. Everyone else bailed but they were all doing VR modified aside from Magic Leap, but Magic Leap changed what they were trying to do (peizo driven fiber laser retina projection) to the same (but a nice implimentation) of a waveguide setup. Well produced. Also ugly, stupid, too expensive, and not good enough.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing the release. I'm 100% with you on the native container support. I think with how any of this stuff works to break the rectangle, native container support is crucial. Does it start going through the browser? WebASM? WebGPU? WebRTC? Vulkan not CUDA? OSX via Docker with Nvidia GPU passthrough over mTLS and then run docker containers in a yet to be released version of OSX that has native container support.
Are you sure? I know they have a good chunk. I could not remember my address for my Area51 site that turned into a Heroes of Might and Magic dial up tournament. It might be there.